35 Most Funny Spanish Words

Here is a list of funny Spanish words that can make your Spanish-speaking friends laugh!

Are you looking for some laughs on your next Spanish vacation?

Idioms and regional dialects may vary from country to country, but there is one thing that all Spanish-speaking regions share: hilarious words!

From literal translations to double entendres, many amusing phrases emerge from the language.

In this blog post, I’ll explore funny Spanish words and the quirkiest terms in Spanish language.

I promise an entertaining and enlightening read— so if you’re ready to have a good chuckle while broadening your understanding of Spanish culture, keep reading!

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Pssst…!!?? You can’t get enough of Spanish idioms? Have a look at the other posts I wrote:

1. Palangana

hand ride train in bialowieza, activities in bialowieza, things to do, a woman smiling happily riding a bike with trees on the background

A palangana is a basin or a flat bowl that locals use to serve big quantities of food. 

Most funny Spanish slang words like these are hilarious because it evokes the image of a large family celebrating a banquet around a big table and the tummy ache to precede the abundant meal. 

2. Pantufla

view on fuchsia wool slippers

Some funny Spanish phrases contain the word pantufla

It is an informal way to mean ‘sneaker’ and it is what Spanish mothers used to throw at their children when they misbehave.

If you love quotes for mothers, read Best Quotes for Mom in Spanish.

3. Descuajeringar

Shot of young friends in swimwear standing together by the lake and laughing. Men and woman enjoying a day by the lake.

Descuajeringar is one of the most interesting Spanish words because it means something similar to ‘wrongly manipulate’.

When you descuajeringas something, you are making a mess of it.

This funny Spanish slang word is also used as an adjective by teenagers, meaning that someone or something looks awful. 

It is one of the funny Spanish words to call someone.

4. Petunia

purple and pink flowers are growing in a planter

There are several beautiful words in Spanish that name different kinds of flowers.

Petunia is a quite common flower in Spain and locals usually place them on their balconies because they are very colorful and easy to keep alive. 

Not knowing exactly why it may be considered one of the most popular and funny Spanish names of the day.

5. Mondongo

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Cool Spanish words like mondongo may be considered part of the funny Spanish slang words of young locals.

Mondongo is the Spanish word to refer to the stomach and guts of an animal; however, it is commonly used to talk about a conflict or confusing situation. 

A mondongo is a vague word that can describe a big fight at the entrance of a disco, a lost person on the mountain, or an unclear explanation, among other complicated scenarios.

6. Cantimplora

kid-friendly resorts in Wisconsin, group of smiling kids lying in a circle with heads together in center

You will probably never see the word cantimplora in Romantic Spanish phrases because this funny-sounding word is the Spanish equivalent of a canteen.

It is truly hilarious when young children try to say it, and they misspell its syllables. Kids make it one of the Spanish funny words.

7. Tubérculo

a brown and white Corgi dog sitting on a blue background

Funny sayings in Spanish may contain the word tubérculo, which is ‘tubercle’ in English. 

What makes this word hilarious is the fact that the last two syllables of this word mean ‘butt.’

As you may appreciate, it is also a kind of childish humor, but older people still find it funny.


8. Osobuco

a large piece of bone on a white surface

Some funny Spanish words are related to food.

The word osobuco probably sounds hilarious to us because it is a compound noun that comes from Italian.

Its literal significance is ‘hollow bone,’ and although in Spanish it should be hueso hueco, locals do not translate these Italian words.

9. Latifundio

Vegetables for the long trip in a box, adventure, energy, atlantic ocean crossing, sailing blog

Some fun words to say in Spanish are quite technical.

It is the case of the word latifundio, which belongs to the agriculture sector.

Latifundio can be defined as a large extension of land used to cultivate eatable goods. 

The English translation of this word is ‘latifundium’.

10. Alcachofa

Happy Quotes in Spanish, a woman jumping in the woods

This may be my funny Spanish word of the day. 

An alcachofa is an ‘artichoke’ but Spaniards also use this word to refer to the shower faucet.

It seems impossible to explain which is the association between the vegetable and the tap, but I can assure you that if you say I need a new alcachofa in a hardware store in Spain, they will know what you want.

11. Sacapuntas

Close up of two young children sharing a moment of excited surprise and discovery whilst inside a children's musem

There are some funny words in Spanish in the school context, and sacapuntas is one of them. 

Its translation in English is ‘sharpener,’ but it may be considered peculiar because it literally means ‘tip (of a pencil) bringer’

It also appears in one of the most popular Spanish Quotes about life Sácale punta a la vida, which can be understood as ‘make the most of your life’.

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12. Hipotálamo

an old woman laying down on a pillow feeling sad and unable to sleep

The hipotálamo is a small region of the brain, the ‘hypothalamus’ in English.

This word may also be considered one of the most fun Spanish words because it has something in common with the word ‘hippo’ in Spanish but nothing with the actual animal.

What is Spain known for is great scientists, who probably won’t find this word funny, but it is for the rest of us.

13. Intríngulis

girl closing eyes feeling peace

Intríngulis may be considered a synonym of the already mentioned mondongo.

According to the Real Academia Española (RAE) the meaning of this word is ‘difficulty or complication’.

This word may be one of the most appealing Instagram captions in Spanish; however, it is also beautiful in English. The translation is ‘intricacies’.

14. Meticuloso

man reading a book in the woods

Most funny Spanish insults to describe a peculiar way to procced is meticuloso, which is an adjective to describe someone who proceeds to pay attention to the details.

When talking about the word tubérculo, it doesn’t matter what the term means because as long as it contains the syllables culo (which means ‘butt’ in Spanish) it will sound droll.

15. Chirimoya

custard apple, also known as custard apple or custard pear, is a tropical fruit native to south-east asia and the indonesian archipelago

Some funny sentences in Spanish will contain the word chirimoya, which sounds hilarious in our language.

A Chirimoya is a tropical sweet fruit whose translation is ‘Cherimoya.’

This word is even funnier in English because it looks like a misspelled to Spaniards. It’s considered one of the funny Spanish words to say.

16. Apicultor

a bee is sitting on top of a yellow flower

Apicultor may sound like someone to address Spanish love quotes.

However, nothing further from reality because an apicultor is someone who takes care of bees. 

As a curious fact, life on earth without bees would just last 4 years. Maybe that’s a good reason to start dedicating some romantic Spanish love quotes to beekeepers.

17. Purpurina

gold glitter dust on black background with bokeh effect

Funny in Spanish is divertido, other Spanish words for funny are also alegre, and ameno – and one of the funny words you can say is Purpurina.

Purpurina should be on your list of cute words in Spanish, although it may be considered the nightmare of some parents.

In English, purpurina is glitter, and having children who love it may have you cleaning your home all day long!

Nevertheless, words like these are funny things to say in Spanish!

18. Otorrino

stethoscope closeup and a Patient listening intently to a male doctor explaining patient, coronavirus in spain, coronavirus in tenerife, woman with mask, trip cancel to spain

When talking about funny phrases in Spanish about jobs, otorrino may be considered one of the most popular ones. 

An otorrino is a doctor who specializes in the ears, nose, and throat. 

Funny in Spanish slang is chistoso or gracioso – and Otorrino is one of the funniest words you can say.

19. Ringorrango

girl hunched feeling sad on a chair

When someone you trust asks you how are you feeling, you may answer ringorrango. 

You may find this word in some Spanish Quotes about friendship, and it is a sincere way to express that you are feeling a little bit down. 

As you may notice, it is not a word that will appear in positive quotes in Spanish.

20. Chanchullo

a couple sitting together but seems far away in each of their thoughts

Funny Spanish quotes with the word chanchullo will refer to situations in which people are not acting transparently to get their objectives. 

Funny Spanish sentences containing this word allow you to show your disapproval of this behavior because it has a negative connotation.

It doesn’t have a literal translation in English the following example may let you understand its meaning.

‘He made a chanchullo in order to get a day off’ means that someone has cheated to get a holiday. 

21. Cháchara

A couple holding hands while running to the beach

Several motivational quotes in Spanish will emphasize the joy of living. 

Cháchara should be on your personal list of cute Spanish words to indicate a happy state of mind. 

Spanish travel quotes usually refer to great times; that’s why you may find the expression cháchara in some of them.

Some funny sayings in Spanish can’t be literally translated into English, and it is one of them.

However, I hope my explanation has helped you catch its meaning.


22. Ñoño

Could this be the hottest place in Tenerife? Person standing in front of grassy plain leading up to Mount Teide under a blue sky

Easy Spanish words like ñoño are very easy to remember. 

Memorizing these kinds of basic Spanish words will allow you to quickly explain, like a native speaker how someone is.

Ñoño is a synonym of sensitive and it has a tender connotation, it shows that it is cute to feel moved by a specific situation.

23. Adefesio

a person covering their face with their hands on a pink background

Adefesio shouldn’t be classified as kind words in Spanish because you can use it to refer to someone extremely ugly.

Some easy Spanish words have a literal translation into English.

That’s what happens with adefesio, whose meaning is ‘eyesore’.

Funny Spanish Quotes with the expression adefesio may be ideal to refer to your ex in a fit of anger.

24. Bobalicón

girl hunched feeling sad on a street

Insulting words in Spanish, like bobalicón, are common in conversations about someone who is not very clever.

Bobalicón means ‘chump’ and it is a colloquial expression to refer to dumb people.

However, these kinds of bad Spanish words allow you to tell what you think about someone without disrespecting them because it is a soft way to refer to this attribute.

25. Cantamañanas

Young woman in protective mask feeling bad in the city with air pollution from traffic and manufacturing. Smog concept, coronavirus in spain, coronavirus in tenerife, woman with mask

Common Spanish Words like cantamañas are used to refer to someone who enjoys showing off or to those who are rude without a reason.

Some popular curse words in Spanish like these may be used in informal contexts to swear in order to let off steam. 

Its literal translation is ‘singer morning’ but it may be understood as ‘bullshitter’.

26. Culamen

a person is measuring their butt with a tape measure.

There are also some dirty Spanish words like culamen which refers to a big butt. 

However, this expression has a positive connotation, it means that a butt is big but toned.

That’s why you should add this to your personal list of beautiful Spanish phrases.

27. Fantoche

a red and green bag with a toy in it

It is possible to hear fantoche in some movies set in Spain because it is a soft expression, suitable for all audiences, to tell someone that he or she is easily influenced by others. 

In English, this Spanish word may be translated as ‘muppet.’

28. Mequetrefe

best family vacations in Wisconsin, photo from behind of two kids dressed in coats and wearing back backs and sitting together on a rock looking over a mountain with another mountain in distance

Everyday Spanish words like mequetrefe may be considered funny Spanish insults.

It may be used to refer to someone who is insignificant physically or morally or to colloquially refer to young children.

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29. Pagafantas

a man kissing his girlfriend's forehead while the girlfriend is looking up and holding a cup of coffee at one of the most romantic hotels in Door County

There are a lot of hard Spanish words to refer to someone who is blinded by love, but pagafantas is definitely one of my favorites!

This compound noun means ‘who pays the Fantas,’ and it is commonly used to refer to men and women who invite their loved ones to drinks in order to seduce them, but they never achieve this goal.

30. Zamacuco

wadi rum desert camp, bedouin jordan, a woman looking sideways on a desert camp

Cursing words in Spanish may also be funny.

This is what happens when you use the expression zamacuco, which can’t be literally translated into English.

But, it may be understood as a ‘person who, pretending to be clumsy or silent, manages to do his will’.

31. Almohada

old cape verde pillow map souvenir held by a woman

There are many weird words in Spanish – also cute ones. So, you have the innocent and cuddly almohada, which is the word for pillow. 

Now, enter its sneaky sound-alike cousin, almorranas.

Almorranas is the Spanish word for hemorrhoids, those not-so-comfortable and sometimes downright annoying little companions that no one really wants to talk about openly.

32. Cucaracha

a cockroach sitting on top of a piece of wood

Firstly, cucaracha is the term for a cockroach. Now, the interesting part here is the way the word sounds when pronounced.

The combination of syllables, the rhythm, and the rolling “r” can give it a playful and almost musical quality, making it a bit of a linguistic spectacle.

It makes it one of the funny sounding Spanish words.

33. Babosear

a brown dog with its tongue out on a white background

Another funny word in Spanish is Babosear. Babosear is the verb that means “to drool” in English.

Now, what makes this word delightful is the way it rolls off the tongue.

The combination of syllables and the soft “b” and “s” sounds can indeed bring a smile to your face.

34. Calabaza 

View of large field of many different kinds of pumpkins in different shapes and sizes all piled up together in the sun with green trees behind

Some funny Spanish words are actually just common words that can be funny for non-native speakers.

The Spanish word calabaza, which translates to “pumpkin” in English, can be a source of amusement for non-native speakers due to its pronunciation.

The fun begins with the rolling “r” sound in calabaza, which may pose a bit of a challenge for those not accustomed to the Spanish language. 

For non-native speakers, mastering the distinct “r” sound in Spanish can be a playful journey.

The elongated vowel sounds and the rhythmic nature of the word add to its charm. It can be one of the funny words to say in Spanish.

35. Estornudar

a person is blowing their nose while sitting on a couch

There are some weird Spanish words, and one of those is estornudar, meaning “to sneeze” in English, has a fascinating quality – its sound seems to mirror the action it describes.

If you listen closely and say estornudar out loud, you might notice that the word itself seems to capture the essence of a sneeze. 

It’s as if the Spanish language playfully crafted a word that, when spoken, mimics the very sound and rhythm of the action it signifies.

 As you should know by the end of this article, Spanish for funny is divertido.

When being in some of the most beautiful places in Spain, you may need hilarious expressions to impress your audience.

Do not hesitate about learning some of these 35 most funny Spanish words by heart, you never know when you may need them!

FAQS on Funny Spanish Words

What are the funniest words in Spanish?

Humor is subjective, but some find words like cucaracha(cockroach) and estornudar (to sneeze) amusing due to their sounds or potential associations. They are some of the funniest Spanish words.

What are fun Spanish words to say?

The Spanish words for fun include divertido, alegre, ameno, and more! But the Playful and enjoyable Spanish words to say include chirimoya, purpurina, and chachara, with their delightful sounds adding to their charm. They are some of the fun words in Spanish.

What are silly Spanish words?

While silliness is subjective, some might consider words like ñoño, bobalicón, and fantoche as silly or amusing in Spanish.

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