50 Best Spanish Quotes About Friendship

Sooner or later in life, you will want to tell your friends how special they are to you.

If you need some meaningful Spanish quotes about friendship to let them know how much you love them, I am sure you will enjoy reading this article.

Do not hesitate about learning some of the best Spanish quotes about friendship by heart, you never know when you may use them!

Friendship Quotes in Spanish

Table of Contents

1. Si la amistad es un tesoro, gracias por ser parte de mi fortuna.

Several Spanish quotes about friendship aim to highlight this special relationship’s value.

When you say out loud to your friends si la amistad es un tesoro, gracias por ser parte de mi fortuna you are meaning ‘if friendship is a treasure, thank you for being part of my fortune’

2. Un amigo es una persona con la que se puede pensar en voz alta.

Famous Spanish quotes about friendship are usually appropriate to describe how your bestie should be or how does him or she make you feel. 

This is precisely what un amigo es una persona con la que se puede pensar en voz alta makes, it indicates that a friend is a person you can think out loud with’

3. La verdadera amistad dura toda la vida 

a lady on a scooter with a floral skirt, Spanish Quotes About Friendship

Quotes in Spanish about life may also refer to friendship. The meaning of La verdadera amistad dura toda la vida is ‘True friendship lasts a lifetime‘.

As you may notice, quotes about supportive friends will allow you to express what you expect from genuine relationships like this.

It is one of the most popular friendship quotes in Spanish.

Nevertheless, it can also be included in your list of sad quotes in Spanish if it reminds you of friends you have lost.

4. En la amistad, las alegrías son el doble de felices y las penas la mitad de tristes.

typical azorean landscape with flowers in pico island, azores

Lots of inspirational quotes in Spanish about friendship are aimed to highlight the advantages of having great friends.

If you want to point out some of these positive aspects, do not hesitate about saying En la amistad, las alegrías son el doble de felices y las penas la mitad de tristes, which means ‘In friendship, joys are twice as happy and sorrows half as sad’.

This quotes is just perfect when looking for Spanish quotes about friendship.

5. Los amigos son como las estrellas, no siempre podemos verlos pero; sin embargo, siempre están ahí.

These quotes about friendship in Spanish establish a parallelism between the stars and friends.

If you want to say something poetic about this kind of relationship, this will be the perfect quote!

When you use the expression Los amigos son como las estrellas, no siempre podemos verlos pero; sin embargo, siempre están ahí, you mean ‘Friends are like the stars, we can not always see them but they are always there’.


6. Un mejor amigo es alguien que te ama cuando has olvidado cómo amarte a ti mismo.

There are also several best friend quotes in Spanish that will allow you to express what you expect from them.

In this case, Un mejor amigo es alguien que te ama cuando has olvidado cómo amarte a ti mismo means ‘A best friend is someone who loves you when you’ve forgotten how to love yourself’.

As you may notice, it can be used to remind yourself and others how you should behave when a friend needs you.

In all, it’s one of the most beautiful Spanish friendship quotes.

7. Un amigo es el que intenta levantarte cuando te has caido. Si no logra levantarte, se acuesta a tu lado para escucharte.

Among other friendship quotes in Spanish, Un amigo es el que intenta levantarte cuando te has caido.

Si no logra levantarte, se acuesta a tu lado para escucharte will also be useful to explain the characteristics of a good best friend.

This Spanish saying means ‘A friend is someone who tries to get you up when you’ve fallen.

If he can’t get you up, he lies down next to you to listen’.

I guess you will agree that having a friend who helps you is essential no matter how sad you are!

8. Una de las más bellas cualidades de la verdadera amistad es entender y ser entendido.

It is also important to know that Una de las más bellas cualidades de la verdadera amistad es entender y ser entendido, which means that ‘One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and be understood’.

It may be considered one of the top ten quotes about friendship in Spanish because it may be really useful to identify who your best friends are.

If you’re looking for cute Spanish phrases for friends, this one is definitely one to use as much as possible!

9. La amistad es el ingrediente más importante en la receta de la vida.

Friendship and food have something in common, each recipe has a key ingredient and so does life.

La amistad es el ingrediente más importante en la receta de la vida means ‘Friendship is the most important ingredient in life’s recipe’, considered one of the most original Spanish friendship quotes.

10. Los buenos tiempos y los amigos locos construyen los momentos más increíbles

Los buenos tiempos y los amigos locos construyen los momentos más increíbles is a great quotes to say to your good friend in Spanish.

Its meaning is ‘Good times and crazy friends build the most amazing moments’.

11. La historia de mi vida está escrita por mis mejores amigos

Mejores amigos means ‘best friends’ in Spanish.

This quote refers to these super special people and their impact on your life because La historia de mi vida está escrita por mis mejores amigos literally means ‘The story of my life is written by my friends’.

12. La amistad no pide nada a cambio, excepto un poco de mantenimiento

Georges Brassens is the author of one of the most popular relationship best short quotes in Spanish.

Once he said that La amistad no pide nada a cambio, excepto un poco de mantenimiento, which reminds you of the importance of taking care of your loved ones. 

It can be translated as ‘Friendship asks for nothing in return, except a little maintenance’ so do not hesitate about using this when you need supportive friend quotes.

13. La vida te ofrece buenos amigos, pero para conseguirlos primero debes ser un buen amigo.

‘Life offers good friends, but to get them you must be one too’ shows the reciprocity of a friendship relationship.

When saying La vida te ofrece buenos amigos, pero para conseguirlos primero debes ser un buen amigo will help you bear in mind that it is as important to be a good friend as having some of them.

14. La amistad es el más bonito de los regalos de la vida.

Quotes about supportive friends may remark how great is to have some of them by your side.

It is precisely what happens when you say La amistad es el más bonito de los regalos de la vida as it means ‘Friendship is the most beautiful gift of life’. Do not forget!

15. La verdadera amistad resiste el tiempo, la distancia y el silencio.

Some beautiful Spanish phrases about friendship in Spanish will allow you to remark on the most important features of a sincere company.

If this is precisely what you are seeking to express, La verdadera amistad resiste el tiempo, la distancia y el silencio may be your ideal quote because it can be translated as ‘True friendship resists time, distance and silence’.

16. Los verdaderos amigos son los que vienen a compartir nuestra desgracia sin ser llamados

If you have some supportive friends, quotes to show how much you appreciate them can be easily found online.

One of my favorite ones is Los verdaderos amigos son los que vienen a compartir nuestra desgracia sin ser llamados because it highlights the idea that your best friends will be by your side on your darkest moments.

The translation of this Spanish saying is ‘True friends are those who come to share our misfortune without being called’.

17. En la amistad el cansancio se mitiga y el camino se vuelve más humano.

One of the most popular Spanish poems about friendship has been written by Carlos Castro Saavedra.

The poem’s first verse says En la amistad el cansancio se mitiga y el camino se vuelve más humano, which means ‘In friendship, the weariness is mitigated and the road becomes more human’.

18. Siempre hay que saber qué se puede esperar de cada amigo

Carmen Posadas is the author of some deep quotes about friendship.

I have selected this one for you because it may make you aware of the fact that there are different kinds of friends.

Siempre hay que saber qué se puede esperar de cada amigo which means ‘You should always know what to expect from each friend’.

19. Los amigos tienen el remedio de algunos de tus males, el resto los tiene el chocolate.

Some of the best quotes about friendship in Spanish contain quite funny Spanish words.

This is exactly what happens when saying Los amigos tienen el remedio de algunos de tus males, el resto los tiene el chocolate.

It means ‘Friends may solve some of your problems, the rest can be handled with chocolate’.

20. La vida sin amigos no merece la pena.

Emotional quotes about friendship may be perfect as Instagram captions.

This one is definitely one of the best Spanish quotes about friendship!

This short and cute Spanish saying means  ‘Life without friends is not worthy’ and it can be a straightforward way to show the value of strong friendship relationships.

This quotes is definitely one to use when looking for best friend quotes in Spanish.

21. Una respuesta honesta es una muestra de amistad verdadera.

Some romantic Spanish phrases may not refer to couples but friends.

It is precisely what happens when you say Una respuesta honesta es una muestra de amistad verdadera, which means ‘An honest answer is a sign of true friendship’.

As you will probably know, a valuable friend will not always tell you what you want to hear but what you need to be told.

When looking for Spanish quotes for friends, this phrase always has a lot of success.

22. Es posible que una buena amistad sea mejor que un amor.

Es posible que una buena amistad sea mejor que un amor is one of the positive quotes in Spanish about friendship that compares this kind of relationship with a romance.

Its meaning is ‘A good friendship may be better than a love’ and it may be ideal to tell to those friends who are having difficulties finding a couple but they should bear in mind how lucky they are to have great friends.

For me, this is one of the most beautiful Spanish sayings about friends.

23. Los amigos son ángeles que te dan alas cuando las tuyas no se acuerdan de cómo volar.

Spanish quotes about life may also refer to relying on trustful friends.

If you say Los amigos son ángeles que te dan alas cuando las tuyas no se acuerdan de cómo volar you are pointing out how helpful friends may be when you are feeling down. 

This beautiful Spanish quote may be translated as ‘Friends are angels that give you wings when yours don’t remember how to fly’.

Isn’t is one of the most beautiful amigos quotes in Spanish ever?

24. Un amigo falso es como la manzana podrida del frutero, si no la quitas pudrirá al resto.

Some quotes about friendship will help you remember that toxic relationships should be avoided.

If you would like to remark this fact, do not hesitate about saying un amigo falso es como la manzana podrida del frutero, si no la quitas pudrirá al resto.

This sentence means ‘A false friend is like the rotten apple of the fruit bowl, if you don’t remove it it will rot the rest’.

25. Un verdadero amigo no te hace sufrir, te acompaña en tu sufrimiento.

What is Spain known for is the big heart of its locals.

When Spaniards have a friend, they feel them as a family member, which explains why they are always kind and unconditionally by your side.

Un verdadero amigo no te hace sufrir, te acompaña en tu sufrimiento is one of the best family quotes in Spanish to show this predisposition.

The meaning of this saying is ‘A true friend doesn’t make you suffer, he accompanies you in your suffering’

26. Cuando la amistad es verdadera, es fuerte como la roca e infinita como el mar.

If you want to let somebody know how a special friendship relationship should be, do not hesitate about saying Cuando la amistad es verdadera, es fuerte como la roca e infinita como el mar

Changing the word amistad with amor, you will get one of the most popular Spanish love quotes.

Its translation is ‘When friendship/love is real, it is strong as a rock and infinite as sea’.

27. Los amigos oyen lo que no dices

When a friend is sad you may want to spend some time with him or her in some of the most beautiful places in Spain.

If the situation doesn’t need to be explained and words fail, you can just say Los amigo oyen lo que no dices because it means ‘Friends hear what you don’t say’

28. Decir amistad, es decir fidelidad

Gabriela Mistral is the author of this deep friendship quote that may be one of the best Instagram captions in Spanish.

‘Friendship means fidelity’ is a cute short quote that may help you remind your friends that this kind of relationship requires commitment.

29. La mejor parte de la vida consiste en la amistad

Abraham Lincoln is the author of some of the most popular romantic Spanish love quotes.

In this article, however, we have chosen him by this saying about relationships with friends.

It is a simple quote that means ‘The best part of life is friendship’.

30. La verdadera amistad no consiste en ser inseparables, sino en poder estar separados y que nada cambie.

‘True friendship does not consist in being inseparable, but in being able to be separated and that nothing changes’ is one of the best motivational quotes in Spanish to bear in mind the importance of maintaining a relationship when your friends, even when they are far away.

31. Un amigo en la necesidad es un amigo de verdad.

Friends are truly a gift in life, but it’s especially important to have those who are there for you in your darkest moments.

That’s where the Spanish proverb “Un amigo en la necesidad es un amigo de verdad” comes in.

This quote speaks to the idea that a true friend is someone who sticks by your side when you need them the most, whether that’s during a major life change or a small setback.

It’s a reminder that true friendships aren’t just about having fun or enjoying each other’s company, but about being there for each other through thick and thin.

32. La amistad duplica nuestras alegrías y divide nuestras tristezas.

If you’re looking for the best Spanish quotes about friends, you can’t go wrong with Francis Bacon’s famous dictum: “La amistad duplica nuestras alegrías y divide nuestras tristezas.”

In other words, true friendship means sharing the good times and the bad.

When we’re happy, friends help us amplify our joy.

When we’re sad, friends help us shoulder our burdens. Through thick and thin, friends offer unwavering support and unconditional love.

It is one of my favorite friendship quotes Spanish!

33. La amistad es como el vino, mientras más vieja, más fuerte.

Friendship is a bond that sometimes grows stronger with age.

This beautiful relationship of trust, support and love is often celebrated in many cultures in different ways. In Spanish culture, one of the most profound ways of describing friendship is through quotes.

The proverb “La amistad es como el vino, mientras más vieja, más fuerte” perfectly captures the essence of long-lasting friendships.

This quote compares friendship to a bottle of wine that grows in flavor and richness as it ages.

It means that with time, true friends will only strengthen their bond and not diminish it.

34. La amistad es el único cemento que mantendrá el mundo unido.

Friendship is one of the most beautiful and essential relationships that we form in our lives.

According to Woodrow Wilson, friendship is the only thing that holds the world together.

True friends are like precious gems that we need to value and cherish.

The Spanish language is known for its beautiful and romantic phrases, and Spanish friendship quotes are no exception.

La amistad es el único cemento que mantendrá el mundo unido, which translates to “Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together” is a perfect example of a beautiful Spanish quote about friendship.

This quote emphasizes the importance of friendship and how it unites people from different cultures and backgrounds.


35. La amistad lo es todo. La amistad es más que talento. Es más que el gobierno. Es casi igual que la familia.

There’s a reason why the Spanish are known for their warmth and their close-knit social circles, and it’s because of their appreciation for the power of friendship. “La amistad lo es todo,” as Mario Puzo wrote–“friendship is everything.”

But it’s not just about sharing laughs and fun times, nor is it just about having a shoulder to cry on.

As Puzo points out, “La amistad es más que talento” (“Friendship is more than talent”) and “Es más que el gobierno” (“It is more than government”).

Friendship is a bond that can withstand all sorts of trials and tribulations, and it offers companionship, comfort, and support when we need it most. It truly is almost equal to family.

These Spanish friendship quotes with translation provide us with a reminder that we should cherish our friends and hold their companionship close to our hearts.

36. El amigo leal se ríe de tus chistes, aunque no sean tan buenos; y se conduele de tus problemas, aunque no sean tan graves.

Knowing Spanish phrases for friends can enhance your relationships and connections with Spanish-speaking friends.

The phrase “El amigo leal se ríe de tus chistes, aunque no sean tan buenos; y se conduele de tus problemas, aunque no sean tan graves,” by Arnold H. Glasgow, emphasizes the importance of loyalty in friendship.

Translating this phrase into Spanish and using it with your friend shows them that you understand and appreciate their loyalty.

Using Spanish phrases is not only a way to communicate with your friend, it also shows that you respect their language and culture.

37. Los amigos muestran su amor en tiempos de problemas, no de felicidad.

Spanish phrases for friends come in handy in various occasions, but one phrase that truly stands out is “Los amigos muestran su amor en tiempos de problemas, no de felicidad.”

This translates to “Friends show their love in times of trouble, not in happiness.” Meaning, true friends are always there for each other during difficult times, offering support and comfort.

This phrase serves as a reminder to cherish and show appreciation to our friends even in hardships.

It can be used to encourage a friend going through a tough time or to express gratitude for a friend’s unwavering support during a personal struggle.

In a world where social connections are widely digitalized, it’s important to remember the value of true friendship and to express it through acts of kindness and words.

38. La amistad no se trata de quién has conocido por más tiempo, se trata de quién entró en tu vida y nunca se fue.

Friendship is a beautiful bond that connects people without any prejudices and expectations. Spanish language has a delightful collection of phrases that one can use to express their fondness and gratitude towards their friends.

“La amistad no se trata de quién has conocido por más tiempo, se trata de quién entró en tu vida y nunca se fue,” is a touching phrase that eloquently describes the essence of true friendship.

This phrase reminds us that the length of a friendship does not define its value, but it is the unwavering support and loyalty that matters.

39. La amistad es una mente en dos cuerpos.

La amistad es una mente en dos cuerpos. This beautiful quote by Mencio perfectly captures the essence of true friendship.

It means that two friends, despite being separate individuals, share a deep connection and understanding that allows their minds to work as one.

This quote is perfect for emphasizing the importance and special nature of friendship.

It can be used to express gratitude and appreciation for a dear friend, or even as a reminder of the strength and power that comes from having strong bonds with those closest to us.

40. Los amigos son como estrellas; no siempre los ves, pero sabes que siempre están ahí.

Spanish-speaking individuals value meaningful relationships, and this sentiment is reflected in popular friend quotes in Spanish.

One such quote is, “Los amigos son como estrellas; no siempre los ves, pero sabes que siempre están ahí.”

Its English translation is, “Friends are like stars; you don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there.” This quote highlights the importance of enduring friendships that transcend distance or time.

It serves as a reminder to cherish the people in our lives who offer us unfaltering support and companionship.

41. No puedo prometerte resolver todos tus problemas, pero puedo prometerte que no tendrás que enfrentarlos solo.

Sometimes, we all need a little reminder that we’re not alone in this world. That’s why quotes like “No puedo prometerte resolver todos tus problemas, pero puedo prometerte que no tendrás que enfrentarlos solo” are so powerful.

This Spanish phrase translates to, “I can’t promise to solve all your problems, but I can promise you won’t have to face them alone.”

The sentiment behind this quote is an important one – it acknowledges that life can get tough, but having a friend by your side can make all the difference.

Whether you’re going through a difficult time or simply want to remind a friend that you’re there for them, this quote is both comforting and inspiring.

42. Un verdadero amigo es alguien que está contigo en los momentos difíciles.

Friendship is an essential aspect of our lives. It’s an unspoken bond, a connection that lasts forever. In the Spanish language, having friends is as important as in any other culture.

Their language has myriad words to describe friendship, each with a unique meaning and connotation. Among them, “amigo verdadero” means a true friend, someone who is there for you through thick and thin.

You use this term when talking about that special bond that you share with someone. It’s an acknowledgment of the unwavering support and comfort that your friend offers you.

43. La verdadera amistad no se trata de ser inseparables, sino de estar separados y nada cambia.

The beauty of friendship lies within the immeasurable bond that it creates between two people.

In Spanish, there are countless expressions and words to describe the different nuances of friendship.

One of the most remarkable phrases that stands out is “La verdadera amistad no se trata de ser inseparables, sino de estar separados y nada cambia.”

This phrase encapsulates the essence of true friendship, highlighting that distance cannot weaken the connection between two genuine friends.

44. Los amigos son como el vino; mejoran con el tiempo.

Friendship is a bond that often transcends language and culture. In Spanish, there are ample words to express the feeling of camaraderie, but the phrase “los amigos son como el vino; mejoran con el tiempo” particularly strikes a chord.

This phrase means that friends are like a fine wine that only gets better with time. It is used to express the idea that the longer you know someone, the deeper the friendship becomes.

It’s a reminder that true friendship is built on shared experiences and the passage of time.

So whether you’re just beginning a new friendship or reminiscing with a longtime pal, this Spanish proverb reminds us to cherish our relationships and allow them to develop into something rich and meaningful.

45. La amistad es un alma que habita en dos cuerpos; un corazón que habita en dos almas

Some things are better expressed in other languages, like Spanish.

The language is known for its romantic nature and beautiful proverbs, which is perfect for talking about something as sacred as friendship.

One of the most poignant quotes on the subject is from Aristotle, who said, “La amistad es un alma que habita en dos cuerpos; un corazón que habita en dos almas.” or “Friendship is a soul that dwells in two bodies; a heart that dwells in two souls.”

This powerful quote describes the bond between true friends and captures the essence of the connection.

46. La amistad no conoce fronteras.

The bond of friendship is truly universal.

It exists beyond all kinds of borders and restrictions of languages, cultures and nationalities. The quote, “La amistad no conoce fronteras,” emphasizes this very notion that friendship knows no boundaries.

It is a beautiful reminder that the essence of true friendship lies in the mutual love and respect for one another and not in any external factors.

This quote is appropriate for use in any situation where you want to celebrate the beauty of friendship, whether you want to reassure a friend that your bond will remain strong even over distance, or to simply remind yourself of the genuine value of friendship.

47. Los amigos son la familia que elegimos.

“Los amigos son la familia que elegimos” – a beautiful quote by Jess C. Scott that highlights the significance of friends in our lives.

This quote is perfect for those moments when we realize that our chosen friends hold a special place in our hearts and are just as important as our biological family.

It reminds us that we have the power to surround ourselves with people who support, encourage, and uplift us – people who become our confidants and companions as we navigate through life’s many ups and downs.

Use this quote to express gratitude for those cherished friendships and to remind your friends that they are loved and appreciated as family.

48. Donde hay amigos, hay riqueza.

Friends are an essential part of our lives. They make us laugh, support us through tough times, and bring meaning to our everyday moments.

That’s why it’s no surprise that in Spanish culture, there are many quotes about friendship that express the value of these connections.

One of the most famous quotes is, “Donde hay amigos, hay riqueza.” This poignant phrase by Plato reminds us that true wealth is not measured by material possessions, but by the presence of loved ones.

It’s a sentiment that we all can appreciate, no matter our background or native language. So, the next time you want to express the importance of friendship, consider using this touching quote in Spanish.

49. Un amigo es un regalo que te das a ti mismo.

Quotes about friendship in Spanish are a great way to express your appreciation for the special bond you share with your amigos.

The quote “Un amigo es un regalo que te das a ti mismo” by Robert Louis Stevenson beautifully captures the essence of this relationship. It translates to, “A friend is a gift you give yourself.”

A true friend is someone who stands by your side through thick and thin, and brings joy and positivity into your life. Using this quote, or others like it, is a great way to express your gratitude and reinforce the strength of your friendship.

Use it when a friend is going through a tough time, or simply as a reminder of how important they are to you.

Whatever the occasion, quotes about friendship in Spanish are a perfect way to show your appreciation for your amigos and the special bond you share.

50. La amistad es un tesoro que nunca se devalúa

When it comes to expressing the importance of friendship, there are few things as moving as a well-phrased quote.

And when it comes to quotes about friendship in Spanish, there’s no shortage of powerful and poetic options to choose from.

One of the most enduring and beloved of these quotes is “La amistad es un tesoro que nunca se devalúa,” or “Friendship is a treasure that never depreciates.”

This quote is a testament to the timeless nature of true friendship, reminding us that even as time passes and circumstances change, the bonds of friendship remain just as strong and valuable as ever.

Whether you’re looking for a thoughtful way to show your appreciation for a close friend, or simply want to reflect on the enduring power of friendship, this quote is a touching and memorable choice.


My final thoughts on Spanish Quotes About Friendship

As you may have noticed, there are several ways to express how happy you are to have friends by your side in your greatest and darkest moments.

I hope these Spanish quotes about friendship, some of which could have been popularized by movies set in Spain, will let you show them how much you appreciate them and what you deserve from your friendship relationships.

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