Find sad quotes in Spanish to express feelings of sadness.
Several sad quotes in Spanish may help you show your feelings when they are not positive.
Although we all know that it is okay and normal not to be okay, you surely need to be able to express that you are sad in Spanish.
If you want to improve your skills in expressing sad feelings, this post will provide you with 30 sad quotes in Spanish you should definitely learn by heart!
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- Best Motivational Quotes in Spanish
- Inspirational Quotes in Spanish
- Best Christian Quotes in Spanish
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Table of Contents
1. Estoy muy triste
If you want to know how to say I am very sad in Spanish, you just need to remember common Spanish phrases like I am sad in Spanish, which is Estoy triste.
If you want to emphasize how deep is your sadness, you just need to add the Spanish version of ‘very’.
The quote will be estoy muy triste.
I hope you don’t use that always as it may attract a sad life in Spanish.
2. ¡No estés triste!
Some quotes in Spanish that can help you cheer people up are quite easy to remember.
If you want to say ‘Don’t be sad’ in Spanish, you just need to tell them ¡No estés triste!
However, we encourage you to use this expression only when you have already heard what who is sad is going through.
If not, it will look like you don’t care at all about others’ feelings.
3. El amor es un juego de perder
Some unhappy quotes may refer to love.
Although several sad Spanish songs may be inspirational, one of my favorite sad love quotes in Spanish about love comes from Amy Winehouse’s lyrics.
In English, this saying is ‘Love is a losing game’ and its translation into Spanish is el amor es un juego de perder.
4. La esperanza es la cura para la decepción de hoy
Some sad quotes in Spanish that may also be useful to give you the strength you need to go through difficult times are quite common.
One of the most empowering yet sad Spanish quotes you should know is la esperanza es la cura para la decepción de hoy.
The literal translation of this saying is ‘Hope is the cure for today’s disappointment’.
5. Que terrible es lo poco que decimos y lo mucho que sentimos
Several sad quotes in Spanish may help you let others know that sometimes people can be kept for themselves what is worrying them.
If you want to make people aware of the fact that being shy or introverted does not mean that you don’t suffer, you can just say que terrible es lo poco que decimos y lo mucho que sentimos.
The translation of this expression is ‘How terrible is how little we say and how much we feel’.
6. ¿Existe algún remedio que cure la tristeza?
There are some sad quotes in Spanish that can make you feel discouragement.
One of those is ¿existe algún remedio que cure la tristeza?
The translation of this Spanish quote is ‘Is there a remedy for sadness?’.
This saying may be said by someone who is mourning and the best you can do is to be there and just listen to them.
7. Esto es la vida, sufrir un rato y reír otro
Some of the most useful Spanish sad quotes are those that highlight how life is.
Esto es la vida, sufrir un rato y reír otro is one of these sayings that the information it contains is obvious but sometimes it needs to be heard by those facing difficulties.
Its English meaning is ‘That’s life, suffering sometimes and laughing during other moments’.
8. Me encanta que llueva cuando estoy triste
Metheopatic people are those whose mood depends on the weather.
If you are one of them and you need to say how sad in Spanish you are but how much you enjoy the rain when you feel like that, you just have to tell others me encanta que llueva cuando estoy triste.
The translation of this quote is when I am sad, I love it when it rains.
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9. No llores porque terminó, sonríe porque sucedió
No llores porque terminó, sonríe porque sucedió is one of the cutest sad but romantic Spanish phrases to tell someone that is feeling a little bit sad because a relationship ended.
It does not matter which relationship has come to the end because these kinds of sad quotes in Spanish are very versatile.
This saying means ‘Don’t cry because it ended, smile because it happened’.
These broken heart quotes in Spanish with English translation are very popular.
10. Pequeñas palabras pueden acabar con tus grandes sentimientos
Sad quotes in Spanish that can be used to make someone aware of how fragile feelings are and how they can change if you get hurt are easy to find on the Internet.
In fact, some Instagram captions in Spanish refer to this idea.
When saying pequeñas palabras pueden acabar con tus grandes sentimientos, you mean ‘words can kill big feelings’.
It has many sad words in Spanish, but it is also true, so be careful with what you say when getting angry because maybe you can have some regrets about the consequences of your words.
11. Si no esperas nada de nadie, nunca estarás decepcionado
Meeting with your friends and sharing one of the best Spanish wines can make you express your deeper feelings.
One of the saddest Spanish quotes about life that you may need in occasions like these is si no esperas nada de nadie, nunca estarás decepcionado.
The author of these words is Sylvia Path and it means ‘if you do not expect anything from anybody, you will never be disappointed’.
12. No te preocupes, vendrá una persona mejor.
Encouraging Spanish quotes about life like no te preocupes, vendrá una persona mejor are ideal to memorize to cheer your best friends when they have been dumped by their couples.
The significance of this Spanish expression is ‘Don’t worry, someone better will come’.
Sometimes it is early for the heartbroken people to hear it but when the breakup heals, it is definitely something they will appreciate knowing.
13. Confía en el hombre que te prometa menos, será el que menos te depcione
Spanish love quotes to make you put your feet on the ground are necessary if you are the kind of person that gets easily excited when getting to know someone.
If you say confía en el hombre que te prometa menos, será el que menos te decepcione, you are highlighting the importance of ‘trusting the man who promises you less, he will be the one who disappoints you less’.
14. Tal vez mi único error fue conocerte
Short Instagram captions in Spanish are useful to catch your followers’ attention.
One of my favorite ones is tal vez mi único error fue conocerte because it simply means ‘maybe my only mistake was getting to know you’.
The best part of these kinds of romantic Spanish love quotes is that they show your empowerment and it implies that you value yourself more than a toxic relationship.
15. No jures que lo quieres si estás actuando como si no
There are several sad quotes in Spanish that can be used to highlight the importance of appreciating what you have achieved and who you have by your side.
If you need to make someone understand that he is not paying enough attention to those who love him or her, you can just tell them no jures que lo quieres si estás actuando como si no.
Romantic Spanish love quotes like these can be translated as ‘Do not swear you want it if you are acting like you don’t’.
16. Tenemos la mala costumbre de aferrarnos a las personas que no nos quieren
Dramatic and romantic Spanish love quotes are quite popular because they are especially needed when a relationship does not go as expected.
The meaning of tenemos la mala costumbre de aferrarnos a las personas que no nos quieren is ‘We have a bad habit of holding on to people who don’t love us’.
This is also one example of depression quotes in Spanish. However, I hope you do note dwell and find love and use romantic Spanish love quotes in the near future.
17. Si lloras por haber perdido el Sol, las lágrimas no te dejarán ver las estrellas
Encouraging Spanish quotes with English translation to empower and give faith to those going through some difficult moments can be the remedy for their sadness.
One of the quotes with sad Spanish words is si lloras por haber perdido el Sol, las lágrimas no te dejarán ver las estrellas.
Its translation is ‘If you cry for losing the Sun, tears won’t let you see the stars’.
18. Un alma triste siempre está despierta después de media noche
If you want to let others know that you are very sad in Spanish, you can just say estoy muy triste. It is some what sad in Spanish slang.
However, there are more poetic and cool Spanish quotes with the same meaning.
One of my favorites is Un alma triste siempre está despierta después de media noche, which means ‘A sad soul is always awake after midnight’.
19. La tristeza y el dolor son un tipo de defensa
Cool Spanish quotes that remark on the importance of your inner strength may be really useful to validate and overcome your negative feelings towards an unpleasant situation.
Ivo Andric was the writer that popularized this deep Spanish saying: La tristeza y el dolor son un tipo de defensa.
Its meaning is ‘sadness and pain are a kind of defense’.
20. No debes hacerte ilusiones con quién no te hace su prioridad
Several sad quotes in Spanish are the result of negative vital experiences.
The positive aspect of facing adversities is that they make you stronger and more cautious.
This is precisely what this Spanish saying tries to warn you about.
No debes hacerte ilusiones con quién no te hace su prioridad is the Spanish equivalent to the English ‘Don’t kid yourself who doesn’t put you first’.
21. Las almas tristes están condenadas al insomnio
Spanish slang words that allow you to express how sadness will impact your physical and mental well-being are quite common nowadays.
These sad Spanish quotes with English translation sometimes raises awareness of mental health’s importance.
These kinds of Spanish quotes all over the media to prevent the literal meaning of the quote which is ‘Sad souls are condemned to insomnia’.
22. Me enamoró con cada palabra, me destrozó con cada acción
Funny Spanish names like Frida Kahlo are easy to remind.
This famous woman was the author of one of the most popular Mexican quotes in Spanish.
One of the best Frida Kahlo quotes in Spanish is me enamoró con cada palabra, me destrozó con cada acción. It’s one of the saddest Spanish heartbreak quotes.
The translation of this saying is ‘I fell in love with every word he said but he destroyed me with every action’.
23. Cuantos besos me perdí por no saber decir te necesito
There are lots of beauty yet sad songs in Spanish that can be very inspirational.
One of my favorite Spanish sad love quotes is from the song Donde habita el olvido by Joaquin Sabina.
The best part of this song’s lyric is ‘How many kisses I missed for not knowing how to say I need you’.
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24. No quiero olvidarte pero no quiero recordar el dolor
Best Spanish idioms to express how difficult is to overcome the pain that comes from a breakup will move you.
No quiero olvidarte pero no quiero recordar el dolor, filled with Spanish sad words, is one of the Spanish expressions that may be useful to express how aware you are of the pain someone made to you.
Its translation is ‘I do not want to forget you, but I do not want to remind the pain either’.
25. Hay gente que te daña porque la amas más de lo que se merece
There are lots of sad quotes in Spanish that can help you understand you do not have to suffer when someone does not love you as you deserve.
Hay gente que te daña porque la amas más de lo que se merece is one of the easiest Spanish expressions to remind someone how important is to love themselves.
26. Lágrimas son las palabras que el corazón no puede expresar
Sometimes feelings are so strong that you can’t put them into words, and that’s when tears come.
This sad Spanish quotes talks about how we cry when emotions become too much to speak out loud.
Lágrimas son las palabras que el corazón no puede expresar translates to ‘Tears are the words the heart cannot express’.
27. Cada corazón tiene su propio cementerio
‘Every heart has its own cemetery’ is the English translation of this Spanish heartbreak quotes.
It reflects on the sadness we carry inside—the losses and goodbyes that every heart holds like a hidden graveyard of past loves and memories.
28. A veces el amor muere como una flor, y no podemos hacer nada para evitar que se marchite.
This sad quotes in Spanish tells us that love can end naturally, with nothing we can do about it.
It translates to ‘Sometimes love dies like a flower, and there is nothing we can do to stop it from wilting’.
The saying compares lost love to a dying flower, a natural end to something once beautiful.
29. Lo más doloroso es perderse a uno mismo mientras se ama demasiado a alguien.
‘The most painful thing is to lose yourself while loving someone too much’ is the translation of this phrase full of sad Spanish words.
Because you are too caught up in someone else, you might end up forgetting who you are.
It’s a warning that sometimes love can make you lose sight of your own needs and feelings.
30. El adiós más triste es aquel que nunca se dice.
Sometimes people leave our lives without a proper goodbye, and that silence can hurt more than any words.
It’s one of the Spanish heartbreak quotes that makes you think deep about everyone you encountered.
El adiós más triste es aquel que nunca se dice means ‘The saddest goodbye is the one that is never said’.
Popular Sad Quotes in Spanish
Here are some famous sad quotes that you might have heard of.
- No llores porque terminó, sonríe porque sucedió
- No quiero olvidarte pero no quiero recordar el dolor
- Lo más doloroso es perderse a uno mismo mientras se ama demasiado a alguien
I hope you enjoyed reading what these sad words in Spanish mean!
As you may notice, there are lots of sad quotes in Spanish that can be used in a wide variety of situations.
Do not hesitate about using them when you need to tell your friends how you are feeling if you are going through difficult times.
Great friends will stand by your side and try to cheer you up!
Hola! I’m Paulina, a seasoned travelette who crossed the Atlantic Ocean by Boat HitchHiking. On my blog, find expert insights for an extraordinary holiday through outdoor and sustainable travel like hiking, cycling, and sailing. Let’s embark on unforgettable journeys together! 🌍🚀