25 Inspirational Quotes in Spanish

Happy people need inspirational Spanish language quotes to keep their positive vibes.

If you are one of them, you will definitely enjoy reading this post about the best 25 inspirational quotes in Spanish.

Moreover, they are going to be really useful to cheer your friends and family up so do not hesitate about learning some of them by heart or using them as Instagram captions in Spanish.

Inspirational Quotes in Spanish

1. Por muy alta que sea la montaña, siempre hay un camino hacia la cima

Quotes on life in Spanish will make you pursue your dreams even when they look so far from your reach.

It is precisely what happy quotes in Spanish like por muy alta que sea la montaña, siempre hay un camino hacia la cima allow you to communicate.

The translation of this expression is ‘As high as the mountain is, there’s always a way to the top’.

2. Toda aventura empieza con un sí

Spanish beautiful phrases like toda aventura comienza con un sí may be ideal to encourage your friends to take some risks that will lead them to amazing experiences. 

Quotes in Spanish that empower people can be used in a wide variety of situations, which is precisely what happens when you tell them ‘Every adventure begins with a yes’.

3. Si puedes soñarlo, puedes hacerlo

Si puedes soñarlo, puedes hacerlo may be considered one of the most positive strength quotes in Spanish about how dreams can come true.

This expression can be translated into English as ‘If you can dream it, you can do it’.

4. Ama lo que haces

Romantic Spanish phrases like ama lo que haces are a sweet reminder of the importance that enjoying everything we do.

Short inspirational quotes in Spanish like this are perfect as catchy Instagram captions in Spanish.

The meaning of ama lo que haces is ‘love what you do’.

5. El triunfo no está en vencer siempre, sino en nunca desanimarse

Some inspirational quotes in Spanish remark that not giving up is the key to succeed.

In fact, good quotes in Spanish may highlight the importance to keep trying instead of on great results on the first attempt.

Positive quotes in Spanish like el triunfo no está en vencer siempre, sino en nunca desanimarse may be an example because its translation is ‘Winning is not always winning, but never getting discouraged’.

6. Nunca se ha hecho nada grande sin entusiasmo

Spanish quotes about life that may also be used as inspirational Spanish quotes are quite common.

One of the best is nunca se ha hecho nada grande sin entusiasmo because it recognizes how valuable passion is to achieve stunning results.

The translation of this Spanish saying is ‘Nothing great has ever been done without enthusiasm’.

7. Un día sin reír es un dia perdido

Some Spanish inspirational quotes have been popularized because someone famous once said them.

It is precisely what happens with Un día sin reír es un día perdido, which is a Charles Chaplin quote.

It can be considered one of the most beautiful Spanish love quotes about life because it means ‘A day without laughing is a wasted day’.

8. La vida es bella

Short Spanish quotes can be used as Instagram captions in Spanish to get lots of likes.

La vida es bella is the title of a film you should definitely watch and it means ‘Life is beautiful’.

As you may notice, this should definitely be included in your list of motivational inspirational quotes in Spanish

9. No permitas que nadie te arruine el día

Romantic Spanish love quotes to tell your partner and encourage him or her to keep smiling can be really useful.

If you need one of these, do not hesitate about saying no permitas que nadie arruine tu día.

It simply means ‘Do not allow anybody to screw your day!’

10. Si sabes lo que vales, ve y consigue lo que mereces

Inspirational quotes in Spanish to empower those who you care about can have a positive impact on their attitude to life.

If you tell your friends si sabes lo que vales, ve y consigue lo que mereces, you mean ‘If you know how worthy you are, you should go and get what you deserve’.

That’s such a cute thing to say!

11. Rodéate de aquellos que iluminan tu camino

Lots of great life quotes in Spanish are aimed to improve your mental health.

To achieve this peaceful state of mind, you should rodearte de aquellos que iluminan tu camino.

These kinds of motivational quotes in Spanish claim the need to stay away from toxic people.

This quote means ‘surround yourself with people that enlighten your path’.

12. La vida está para vivirla y aprovecharla hasta el final

Beautiful quotes in Spanish are those that cheer you up!

La vida está para vivirla y aprovecharla hasta el final is the perfect example.

Its meaning is ‘life is worth living and you should make the most of it until the end’.

This can also be one of the most inspirational Spanish travel quotes.

13. Puede que no sea fácil pero valdrá la pena

Puede que no sea fácil pero valdrá la pena is one of the English quotes in Spanish that everyone love to hear.

Cool Spanish quotes like these can be translated as ‘It may be difficult but it will be worthy’ or ‘Although it is not easy, it will be great’.

14. Te mereces el amor que siempre le das a los demás

Self love quotes in Spanish are increasingly popular nowadays.

Usually, these are happy quotes in Spanish to remind you how important is your wellbeing.

Te mereces el amor que siempre le das a los demás means ‘You deserve the love you always give to others’.

This can also be one of the best quotes for mum in Spanish because they are usually loving and supportive no matter what.

15. Solo tú puedes cambiar tu vida

Inspirational quotes in Spanish that may encourage you to change your career prospects are ideal to those struggling with their work.

If you need one of these kinds of sayings, you may tell your friends solo tú puedes cambiar to vida.

This is one of the best Spanish idioms to mean ‘Only you can change your life’.

16. La felicidad es una elección

Inspirational words in Spanish like felicidad are common in cute family quotes in Spanish.

When you tell those who live with you la felicidad es una elección, you are making them aware of the fact that every happy and shared moment has been a great choice.

The translation of this expression is ‘Happiness is a choice’.

17. La felicidad no es la ausencia de problemas, sino la habilidad de superarlos

Christian quotes in Spanish will remark on how important perseverance is.

In fact, patience and strength of character are desirable Christian traits.

La felicidad no es la ausencia de problemas, sino la habilidad de superarlos is one of the best inspiring Spanish quotes to encourage someone to fight for their dreams.

Its meaning is ‘Happiness is not the absence of problems but the ability to overcome them’.

18. Será imposible hasta que lo consigas

Inspiring Spanish words like será imposible hasta que lo consigas may be perfect as Instagram captions in Spanish.

This short and catchy quote means ‘It will be impossible until you achieve it’.

19. Cada día trae nuevas opciones

Inspirational in Spanish is inspirador and quotes like cada día trae nuevas opciones are precisely one of these kinds of quotes.

Its translation into English is ‘Every day brings you new options’.

20. La felicidad también está en dejar ir lo que no te hace bien

Some inspirational quotes in Spanish that will give you a boost to your esteem are increasingly popular nowadays.

La felicidad también está en dejar ir lo que no te hace bien means ‘Happiness also consists on letting go what is harmful to you’.

21. Por muy larga que sea la tormenta, el Sol siempre vuelve a brillar

When someone is facing adversities, they may need to hear some inspirational words Spanish like por muy larga que sea la tormenta, el Sol siempre vuelve a brillar.

This expression means that ‘it doesn’t matter how long is the storm because the Sun will always shine again’.

22. El mundo necesita gente que ama lo que hace

El mundo necesita gente que ama lo que hace is one of the inspirational quotes in Spanish with English translation that will help you highlight the importance of being passionate about what you do to get the best results.

The translation of this Spanish saying is ‘Our world needs people who love what they do’.

23. Tu futuro depende de lo que hagas hoy

Some inspirational quotes in Spanish about life are useful to highlight how important is hard working in order to achieve long-term goals.

When you say tu futuro depende de lo que hagas hoy, you mean ‘your future relies on what you do today’.

24. Disfruta cada momento

Disfruta cada momento is the inspirational quote in Spanish that is to say Carpe diem.

This beautiful Spanish quote can be translated as ‘Enjoy every moment of your life’.

25. Si vas a dudar de algo que sea de tus límites

Deep inspirational quotes in Spanish are those that allow you to push your boundaries.

If someone needs to hear you trust him or her, do not hesitate about saying si vas a dudar de algo que sea de tus límites.

It simply means ‘If you are going to have doubts, you should just doubt your limits’.

We hope these 25 Inspirational quotes in Spanish will allow you not only to encourage your friends when they are facing difficulties but also to remind yourself how important is to put your well-being first.

Some of these deep inspirational quotes in Spanish are ideal as Instagram captions in Spanish because they are short and catchy expressions that will certainly be loved by your followers.

Do not hesitate about putting into practice what you have just learned!

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