30 Happy Quotes in Spanish To Smile Now!

Life is full of reasons to smile.

Sometimes you receive great feedback about your job performance, you get a hug when you need it, you achieve stunning academic marks, or you have a fantastic coffee with your best friends in your favorite restaurant.

Being happy is wonderful and it affects positively your self-esteem.

Happy Quotes in Spanish

That’s why if you are going through a great moment, you may need some happy quotes in Spanish to express these good feelings.

This post is aimed to provide you with the best 30 happy quotes in Spanish to cheer everybody up.

Let’s allow them to catch us!

1. No hay mejor medicina que tener pensamientos alegres

A beautiful quote in Spanish that remarks the importance of being happy to be healthy is No hay mejor medicina que tener pensamiento alegres.

Now that mental health seems to be crucial in our current society, it can be really helpful in a wide variety of contexts.

Its translation is ‘There’s no better medicine than having happy thoughts’.

2. ¡Hoy va a ser un día maravilloso!

Good morning quotes in Spanish are usually happy Spanish quotes that raise everyone’s mood.

If you have some kids or you are working as a teacher ¡Hoy va a ser un día maravilloso! can be the perfect saying to start your day.

The translation of this expression is ‘Today is going to be wonderful!’ and it has the power to transmit positive vibes.

3. Cumplir años a tu lado es lo mejor que me ha pasado

If you are looking for some happy birthday quotes in Spanish to tell your closest ones how lucky you feel to have them by your side year after year, you can just say Cumplir años a tu lado es lo mejor que me ha pasado.

When telling them so, you are meaning that ‘Sharing my birthdays with you is the best thing that ever happened to me’.

4. Sé feliz

When looking for the word in Spanish for happy, you will find that to say ‘Be happy’ you just need to learn the expression Sé feliz.

This is one of the easiest happy quotes in Spanish because it is short and direct!

5. Vive cada momento y ríe cada día

There are other cool and short Spanish quotes to remark on the importance of having a positive attitude toward life.

Some Spanish quotes about life can help people acknowledge the importance of every single moment of their days.

The best Spanish saying to do it is Vive cada memento y ríe cada día, which means ‘Live every moment and smile every day’.

6. Cree en ti y todo será posible

Some of the most popular positive Spanish words are Cree en ti y todo será posible.

However, it should be noticed that there is some controversy about these kinds of messages because if you are unrealistic, they may lead to frustration.

That’s why it is better to tell it to someone whose objectives are achievable.

The translation of this encouraging Spanish quote is ‘Believe in yourself and everything will be possible’.

7. La vida siempre merece ser disfrutada

One of my favorite life quotes in Spanish to remark how important is to make the most of every moment is La vida merece ser disfrutada.

The literal translation of this expression is ‘Life deserves to be enjoyed’.

8. Cuando se cierra una puerta, se abre una ventana

Some English quotes in Spanish are exactly the same.

This is precisely what happens when you say ‘When a door gets closed, a window gets opened’.

This is one of the most famous quotes in Spanish and to correctly say so, you just need to remind the following slang words in Spanish: Cuando se cierra una puerta, se abre una ventana.

9. No te preocupes, sé feliz

As has been mentioned above, if you want to say be happy in Spanish, you just need to remember Sé feliz.

Nevertheless, if you want to use a more complex sentence, you may add No te preocupes, se feliz.

The result is Bob Marley’s super famous quote ‘Don’t worry, be happy’.

10. Todo final es el principio de algo nuevo

Some famous quotes in Spanish became popular when they appeared in some movies set in Spain.

High School Musical made Todo final es el principio de algo nuevo one of the most well-known encouraging Spanish quotes.

The translation into English of this saying is ‘Every end is the start of something new’.

11. La vida es una aventura: atrévete

There are some other beautiful and encouraging words in Spanish.

If you need some positive Spanish travel quotes, you may use La vida es una aventura: atrévete.

The translation of this cool Spanish quote is ‘Life is an adventure: be brave’.

12. Eres mucho más fuerte de lo que crees

Eres mucho más fuerte de lo que crees may be included in our list of short quotes in Spanish with a powerful message.

This saying means ‘You are stronger than you think’ and it is especially appropriate for someone that is going through a hard moment and needs to be cheered up!

13. Si la vida no te sonríe, hazle cosquillas

Sweet Spanish idioms that may draw a smile on everybody’s face are quite common.

One of my favourites is  Si la vida no te sonríe, hazle cosquillas, which can be translated as ‘If life does not smile at you, make some tickles to it’

14. Haz de cada día tu obra maestra

Some romantic Spanish phrases can be used to improve your loved ones’ self-confidence.

John Wooden was a charismatic basketball coach that always knew how to cheer their team’s mood up.

One of his most popular quotes was Haz de cada día tu obra maestra, which can be translated as ‘Make every day your masterpiece’

15. La mejor medicina es un ánimo alegre

What is Spain known for is how positive its locals are, that’s why it is easy to hear lots of happy quotes in Spanish when visiting this country.

As has been previously mentioned, raising concern about mental health in our society is noticeable but it was also crucial in the past.

In fact, it was Salomón who popularized the saying La mejor medicina es un ánimo alegre, which can be translated as ‘The best medicine is a happy mood’.

16. La mejor manera de predecir tu futuro es crearlo

Some Spanish love quotes that can be used to make your couple get committed to your relationship.

One of the cutest ones is La mejor manera de predecir tu futuro es crearlo, which means that ‘The best way to predict the future is creating it’.

17. Más allá del miedo hay un Sol precioso

Most beautiful places in Spain may require some cute and happy Spanish quotes to encourage your friends to pursue their dreams.

When saying Más allá del miedo hay un Sol precioso, you mean ‘Behind your fears, there is a beautiful sun’.

18. Lo imposible es aquello que no intentas

Some Instagram captions in Spanish are motivational Spanish quotes that improve people’s attitudes toward a difficult task or aim.

Lo imposible es aquello que no intentas simply means ‘Impossible is what you do not try to achieve’.

19. Tu sonrisa es la curva que lo endereza todo

Beautiful and romantic Spanish love quotes that may blush your partner should be said quite frequently.

One of my favourites is Tu sonrisa es la curva que lo endereza todo because it means ‘Your smile is the curve that straightens everything’

20. Nunca dejes de luchar por lo que deseas

Motivational quotes in Spanish that can also be considered positive and happy quotes in Spanish are easily found on the Internet.

In this post, we definitely should include Nunca dejes de luchar por lo que deseas, which means ‘Never give up on what you wish’.

21. La vida es una canción alegre cuando hay alguien cantando contigo

Happy Spanish quotes about friendship remark on the feeling of belonging to a group.

Singing together is one of the most fulfilling activities and if you usually do it with friends you can tell them La vida es una canción alegre cuando hay alguien cantando contigo.

The translation of this expression is ‘Life is a happy song when someone is singing with you’.

22. Si la vida te da limones, haz limonada

One of the most popular funny Spanish quotes to brighten you up is Si la vida te da limones, haz limonada.

This expression can be translated as ‘If lifes gives you lemons, make lemonade’.

23. Para un día gris, paraguas de colores

Positive Spanish quotes are those that acknowledge that sometimes life is not perfect but it is yet worth to be lived.

It is precisely what Para un día gris, pargaguas de colores does.

The translation of this expression is ‘On a rainy day, colorful umbrellas’.

24. Hoy es un buen día para sonreír

Some happy quotes in Spanish may also be funny Spanish insults depending on to who these are addressed.

If you say Hoy es un buen día para sonreír to someone with an ugly mouth, they will probably get the second sense of the saying.

The meaning of this expression is ‘Today is a great day to smile’.

25. Los días son más bonitos si sonries

There are several happy Spanish quotes for mum that will make her melt for you.

On her birthday you can surprise her with a bouquet of her favourite flowers and a letter saying Los días son más bonitos si sonries.

This cute saying means ‘Days are better if you smile’.

26. Si amas lo que haces, ni los lunes te quitan la sonrisa

All around the world, Mondays are hard to face if you work on something you don’t enjoy.

When you are on holiday, visiting amazing places Si amas lo que haces, ni los lunes te quitan la sonrisa may be considered one of the most wonderful Spanish travel quotes to say when having some of the best Spanish wines on a Sunday afternoon.

The translation of this expression is ‘If you love what you do, even Mondays do not take your smile away from you’.

27. La felicidad no es el objetivo, es el camino

Cool Spanish quotes that remark on the importance of making the most of every moment in your life may be also used as Instagram captions in Spanish.

One of these kinds of Spanish slang words is La felicidad no es el objetivo, es el camino.

The meaning of this saying is ‘Happiness is not the destination, is the journey’.

28. La vida es demasiado corta para ser infleiz

Spanish quotes about life and happiness can be short but direct sayings that will make you reconsider your attitude towards difficult moments.

When you tell somebody La vida es demasiado corta para ser infeliz, you are encouraging them to change their behaviour.

The meaning of this quote is ‘Life is too short to be unhappy’, don’t you ever forget it!

29. La sonrisa es el idioma de las personas inteligentes

Funny Spanish names can make you laugh and when you see someone smiling you can give him or her a compliment.

One of the best positive quotes in Spanish to tell someone you admire is La sonrisa es el idioma de las personas inteligentes.

That can be translated as ‘Smiling is the language of clever people’.

30. La positividad es más adictiva que cualquier droga

Happy quotes in Spanish to remark on the benefits of a positive attitude can be especially appropriate when your friends need to be cheered up!

One of the best quotes in Spanish to achieve this aim is La positividad es más adictiva que cualquier droga, wich means ‘Positiveness is more addictive than drugs’.

Reading these 30 Happy Quotes in Spanish should have cheered you up!

We just hope you will be able to use these motivational Spanish quotes in a wide variety of situations because it will imply that you are going through some good moments in your life!

Bear in mind that some of them can help you raise your loved one’s mood when facing some difficulties.

Nevertheless, what’s most important is to not forget that life is always worth living and that there are hundreds of reasons to smile!

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