25 Positive Quotes in Spanish That Will Make Your Day!

In general, Spaniards are very optimistic. Perhaps this is due to their culture, to the sunny climate, or to their easy-going and social character.

These facts have had a huge impact on their regional expressions, that’s why if you spend some time there, you will notice the wide variety of positive quotes in Spanish they constantly use!

The main aim of this article is to allow you to learn some of these most famous positive quotes in Spanish. And that you can use them as Instagram captions or when you travel to Spain.

Looking for Positive Quotes in Spanish that will make your day shine brighter? This is the ultimate list of inspirational Spanish quotes that will brighten your mood. They come with gorgeous graphics to pin and an English translation. If you're looking for Spanish Instagram captions, these positive Spanish quotes are a great idea! These inspirational Spanish quotes inspirational are translated, some are short, some about love, and others about life. #spanishquotes #positivequotes
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I sincerely hope you enjoy this piece of reading and I am sure that by learning some of the expressions mentioned above, you will be an expert in transmitting a good vibe as a native Spanish speaker!

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1. Cada día trae nuevas opciones

Cada día trae nuevas opciones

Cada día trae nuevas opciones is one of the easiest quotes in Spanish to talk about life’s opportunities for us. This short Spanish quote can be used in a wide variety of contexts. 

For example, it may be used not only when referring to career opportunities, but also to personal matters. Let me show you why!

The literal significance of Cada día trae nuevas opciones is ‘everyday brings us new options’ and it allows you to remind yourself and others that always something good awaits!

2. Haz de cada día tu obra maestra

Haz de cada día tu obra maestra

As mentioned before, there are several short Spanish quotes that may make your day and haz de cada día tu obra maestra is definitely one of my favourites!

Its literal translation is ‘Make every day your masterpiece’ and I love how it highlights the importance of making the most of each and every day. For this reason, it can be used to fight against routine.

3. La mejor manera de predecir el futuro es inventarlo

La mejor manera de predecir el futuro es inventarlo

Amazing quotes in Spanish usually will encourage you to pursue your goals. Indeed, it is what this positive phrase is trying to accomplish.

The literal meaning of La mejor manera de predecir el futuro es inventarlo is ‘The best way to predict the future is to invent it’. As you may notice, it is certainly a powerful way to lighten up your friends’ and relatives’ mood.

4. Siempre parece imposible hasta que se convierte en realidad

Siempre parece imposible hasta que se convierte en realidad

The message of this quote is similar to the world-wide known ‘Impossible is nothing’, which was popularized by Nike’s advertisements.

In this case, Siempre parece imposible hasta que se convierte en realidad can be also used as a claim for hope even in adverse situations because its literal meaning is ‘It always seems impossible until it comes true’.

Indeed, there is probably not a better way to show your support to those fighting for a good cause or for an achievement they really deserve.

5. No he fallado, simplemente he encontrado formas que no funcionan

No he fallado, simplemente he encontrado formas que no funcionan

Talking about positive quotes in Spanish, this one is on my top ten list!

No he fallado, simplemente he encontrado formas que no funcionan is a nice quote in Spanish that acknowledges the positive side of experimenting in order to finally succeed.

The phrase can be translated as ‘I haven’t failed, I just found solutions that didn’t work’.

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6. Es igual de importante el viaje que el destino

Es igual de importante el viaje que el destino

It seems important to recall that focusing on our life goals is important; however, we also need to value the process that will allow us to achieve them.

If we want to express this idea in a genuine Spanish way, Es igual de importante el viaje que el destino is the perfect quote! 

This phrase can be literally translated as ‘It’s just as important the trip as the destination’.

This Spanish saying can also be used as a great Spanish love quote

7. Piensa en todas las cosas bellas que hay a tu alrededor y sé feliz

Piensa en todas las cosas bellas que hay a tu alrededor y sé feliz

Several motivational quotes in Spanish can be heard when friends are trying to help each other. In my humble opinion, it is one of the cutest ones!

Saying Piensa en todas las cosas bellas que hay a tu alrededor y sé feliz means ‘ Think of all the beautiful things around you and be happy’. No further comments, just remind to yourself every day!

It’s also one of the most popular Spanish captions for Instagram.

8. Vive la vida al máximo y céntrate en lo positivo

Vive la vida al máximo y céntrate en lo positivo

Vive la vida al máximo y céntrate en lo positivo is the equivalent to say ‘Live life to the fullest and focus on the positive’. It is a sophisticated or more detailed version of the traditional Carpe Diem.

As you may notice at this point of the article, there are lots of life quotes in Spanish that can make your day! Let’s continue with some more of them!

9. Suprime lo negativo, enfatiza lo positivo

Suprime lo negativo, enfatiza lo positivo

A phrase with a similar meaning to the mentioned in the previous section is Suprime lo negativo, enfatiza lo positivo. The literal significance of this inspiring quote is ‘Suppress the negative, emphasize the positive’.

As the vast majority of inspirational quotes in Spanish, it will allow you to express that being optimistic is key to achieve happiness.


10. Una actitud positiva puede hacer que los sueños se conviertan en realidad

Una actitud positiva puede hacer que los sueños se conviertan en realidad

If you want to remark the great value of the willingness to pursue your life goals, these may be some of the most useful and positive words in Spanish to achieve your purpose!

Una actitud positiva puede hacer que los sueños se conviertan en realidad means ‘A positive attitude can make dreams come true’ and this phrase may be really useful to cheer up those who are going through a difficult moment of their lives.

11. No hay mayor riqueza que la vida misma

No hay mayor riqueza que la vida misma

When focusing on quotes about life in Spanish, No hay mayor riqueza que la vida misma is useful to acknowledge the intrinsic value of every moment we are alive.

Indeed, the literal translation of this phrase is ‘There is no greater wealth than life itself’ and it can be easily understood because if there is no life, there is nothing at all.

12. Solo yo puedo cambiar mi vida

Solo yo puedo cambiar mi vida

This is one of the most powerful quotes in Spanish about life and it can be used to vindicate the importance of our role in our own lives. 

Solo yo puedo cambiar mi vida means ‘Only I can change my life’ which will reaffirm not only your power as an individual but also the one that derives from the decisions you make and the actions you do.

13. Aprende del pasado, vive el presente y trabaja para el futuro

Aprende del pasado, vive el presente y trabaja para el futuro

In order to personally or professionally improve, it seems important to learn from the mistakes we made in the past.

However, it is also important to acknowledge the importance of the present to get where we want in the future.

Some of the most famous quotes in Spanish are related to the idea I just mentioned; indeed,  Aprende del pasado, vive el presente y trabaja para el futuro is one of those.

Its literal significance is ‘Learn from the past, live the present and work for the future’.

14. El éxito ocurre cuando tus sueños son más grandes que tus excusas

El éxito ocurre cuando tus sueños son más grandes que tus excusas

Some inspiring quotes in Spanish will provide you the motivation you need in order to get closer to your objectives.

If you are wondering about how to reach success, you just have to pay attention to this piece of advice: El éxito ocurre cuando tus sueños son más grandes que tus excusas.

The literal significance of this phrase is ‘Success happens when your dreams are bigger than your excuses’.

15. La felicidad no es una meta, sino una actitud 

La felicidad no es una meta, sino una actitud

La felicidad no es una meta, sino una actitud may be considered one of the most famous Spanish quotes about happiness. The literal meaning of this phrase is ‘Happiness is not a goal, but an attitude’.

It can be used when there is a need to remind you that happiness shouldn’t be considered as something you aspire to achieve.

Instead, it is a state of mind in which you must constantly work.

16. El primer paso no te lleva donde quieres ir, pero te saca de donde estás

El primer paso no te lleva donde quieres ir, pero te saca de donde estás

Inspiring quotes in Spanish that will make your day are aimed to make you dream big and to take small steps towards achieving your ambitions. 

In this case, we can use El primer paso no te lleva donde quieres ir, pero te saca de donde estás to encourage our friends and relatives to acknowledge the huge importance of every single action done to get what they want.

It can be translated as ‘The first step doesn’t get you where you want to go, but it gets you where you are’

17. En la vida solo está derrotado aquel que deja de soñar

En la vida solo está derrotado aquel que deja de soñar

If you have been trying to find some Spanish life quotes that will give you food for thought, this phrase can be considered one of them!

En la vida solo está derrotado aquel que deja de soñar means ‘In life, only the one who stops dreaming is defeated’, which is undoubtedly a really optimistic way of thinking, that will encourage you to never give up.

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18. Nunca es demasiado tarde para ser la persona que podrías haber sido

Nunca es demasiado tarde para ser la persona que podrías haber sido

At a certain age, some people think that they can’t change their professional career or the way they deal with their personal relationships.

If you find someone struggling with this kind of negative thoughts, you may want to let them know that ‘it is never too late to be the person you could have been’.

Precisely, the previous quote is the literal translation of ‘Nunca es demasiado tarde para ser la persona que podrías haber sido’.

It is one of the Spanish quotes with translation into English to express this feeling.

19. Una persona positiva convierte sus problemas en retos, nunca en obstáculos

Una persona positiva convierte sus problemas en retos, nunca en obstáculos

Among the wide range of positive adjectives in Spanish, the most popular ones are: positive, optimistic, and persevering. Our quote refers to all these significances in the same sentence.

Una persona positiva convierte sus problemas en retos, nunca en obstáculos can be literaly translated as ‘A positive person turns his problems into challenges, never obstacles’.

So, as you may have noticed, this Spanish quote allows us to know how an optimistic person would act against adverse situations.

20. Con entusiasmo, todo es posible

Con entusiasmo, todo es posible

I think we all agree on the fact that being enthusiastic may be essential to reach our dreams and goals. If this is the case, I’m sure you will love one of the most popular positive quotes in Spanish!

Con entusiasmo, todo es posible is to say ‘With enthusiasm, anything is possible’, and it definitely seems a good phrase to guide those who are inclined to stop fighting for their dreams. Surrender is not an option!

21. Disfruta de la vida que son dos días

Disfruta de la vida que son dos días

This is one of the most popular Spanish quotes about life. As a result, it is likely to be heard among friends in an informal context and is often used as a Spanish quote about friendship.

More specifically, it is quite common to resort to this phrase when someone is going through a breakup and you want to raise their mood.

It can be translated as ‘Enjoy life because it is just two days’ and its main aim is to keep the vibe light because nothing is so important when you are aware of the fact that life is short.

22. Será imposible… hasta que lo consigas

Será imposible... hasta que lo consigas, positive quotes in spanish

Thinking about some of the best Spanish quotes to make your day, it just came to my mind the following one: Será imposible… hasta que lo consigas.

Its literal significance is ‘It will be impossible… until you get it’, which is the ideal short phrase to cheer someone up!


23. Los grandes árboles de la naturaleza surgieron de indefensas semillas

Los grandes árboles de la naturaleza surgieron de indefensas semillas

I think this may be considered as one of the most beautiful Spanish phrases about self-improvement. 

It is specially suitable to address to children because los grandes árboles de la naturaleza surgieron de indefensas semillas can be translated as ‘the great trees of nature sprang from helpless seeds’, which is a cute parallelism.

It’s also one of the most inspirational Spanish quotes.

24. Si nunca has cometido un error, es porque nunca has arriesgado

Si nunca has cometido un error, es porque nunca has arriesgado

Si nunca has cometido un error, es porque nunca has arriesgado is one of the phrases that should appear on positive quotes in Spanish ranking. 

It can be used to comfort someone who is going through a difficult moment because he or she made a mistake.

This sentence means ‘If you’ve never made a mistake, it’s because you’ve never risked’ and as I have previously mentioned, is it essential to try in order to win!

This is also a great suggestion when looking for funny Spanish quotes.

25. Todos los momentos son especiales; solo tienes que decidir celebrarlos

Todos los momentos son especiales; solo tienes que decidir celebrarlos, positive quotes in spanish

Some positive quotes in Spanish may be used in a romantic context. For example, if you tell your partner Todos los momentos son especiales; solo tienes que decidir celebrarlos, you will be showing how much you appreciate the time you spend together.

It can be translated as ‘All the moments are special; you just have to decide to celebrate them’. As you may notice, it deserves a privileged place in our ranking of romantic Spanish phrases!

Short FAQ about positive quotes in Spanish

How to say quotes in Spanish?

The literal translation of ‘quotes’ in Spanish is citas. However, it is important to know that citas also means dates, otherwise, you can get some funny Spanish phrases when translating certain sentences. 

What are some Spanish quotes for Instagram bio with meaning?

Sé tu mismo may be considered a meaningful quote for your Instagram bio; especially when you are posting a picture of yourself.

It can be translated as ‘Be yourself’ and it seems appropriate to vindicate your uniqueness while encouraging others to be real.

Be careful with the hashtag you choose, as there are several positive and negative words in Spanish whose meaning depends on the context!

What are some positive Spanish phrases of encouragement?

What are some positive Spanish phrases of encouragement?
In order to encourage others to be positive in Spanish, you should learn the following sentence: La motivación mueve montañas.
Its literal significance is ‘Motivation moves mountains’, which means that it is possible to attract what you want if you don’t give up.

4 thoughts on “25 Positive Quotes in Spanish That Will Make Your Day!”

  1. Thank you for these. I plan to have my students choose one, or several, and write them with chalk on the pavement in the schoolyard.


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