25 God Quotes in Spanish

God quotes in Spanish are quite common because it used to be a very religious country.

Nowadays, some regions of Spain are less devoted than in the past but there is still a vast part of the population with a strong faith in certain areas, for example in Andalucía.

First, it seems important to know that God in Spanish is Dios because it appears in most of the following Spanish quotes.

God quotes in spanish

Now we have just learned something new and basic, we can start with this post, which is aimed to provide 25 God quotes in Spanish that you will love!

1. Dios es nuestro señor

As mentioned above, Dios is the Spanish for God name.

If you say Dios es nuestro señor, you are expressing that God is our Lord.

This is definitely an easy saying but it may be really useful to tell others who you believe in.

2. Dios bendice a todos

Inspirational quotes in Spanish that show how God loves unconditionally may be short and simple.

One of these common Spanish expressions to mean God bless in Spanish is Dios bendice a todos.

Its translation is ‘God blesses everyone’

3. Ve con Dios

Several happy quotes in Spanish may be heard at the end of a mass, but one of the most common ones is Ve con Dios or Id con Dios.

‘Go with god’ in Spanish is precisely what these two expressions mean.

4. Gracias a Dios

It is very important to be grateful because it contributes to happiness.

If you want to say ‘Thank God’ in Spanish, you just need to learn Gracias a Dios.

This expression is even said by laypeople in lots of different situations to simply show they appreciate how lucky they have been.

5. Una familia llena de amor es un regalo de Dios

Christian quotes in Spanish that may also be family quotes in Spanish will remark how important is to love and respect each other.

When you say una familia llena de amor es un regalo de Dios, you are meaning ‘A loving family is a gift from God’.

This cute Spanish quote is ideal to make your family aware of how great the caring relationship you are holding is.

6. ¡Dios mío!

The equivalent expression to ¡Oh, my God!  in Spanish is ¡Dios mío!

It is used when something has surprised you and you do not know how to react.

Sometimes it is also said when an awful event has just happened and you are in shock.

7. Que Dios te bendiga

If someone is wondering how do you say ‘God bless you’ in Spanish, you may tell them that ‘God bless you’ in Spanish is a very easy expression.

In fact, you just need to remember que Dios te bendiga.

It is commonly used to thank someone and to wish him or her good luck with the same expression.

This is one of the most beautiful quotes in Spanish to tell newborn babies because it shows you wish them to have a great life protected from illness and sadness.

8. Que sea lo que Dios quiera

When a situation does not depend on your attitude or your effort anymore, some will say que sea lo que Dios quiera.

This is usually heard by someone who is just about to start an important test, for example, a driving license exam.

It is related to God willing in Spanish and its literal translation is ‘It will be what God wants’.

9. Gloria a Dios

‘Glory to God’ in Spanish is quite similar to the English expression used to mean the same, that’s why it is very easy to remember.

If you want to say ‘Glory to God’ in Spanish, you just need to say Gloria a Dios.

10. Que la Paz llegue a cada corazón dispuesto a recibir a Dios

God quotes in Spanish that are ideal Christmas quotes in Spanish are quite common because this period of the year is specially enjoyed by theists,

One of the best Christmas wishes in Spanish is que la Paz llegue a cada corazón dispuesto a recibir a Dios.

This saying means ‘I hope Peace will reach the heart of those who are willing to great God’.

11. Que bueno es nuestro Dios

If you need to remark on how great is our God Spanish, you can simply say qué bueno es nuestro Dios.

This expression is especially useful when you want someone to appreciate a positive thing that has happened to him or her.

12. Dios es bueno

‘God is good’ in Spanish is a short and direct sentence that won’t leave anyone indifferent.

To say so, you will have to learn by heart one of the easiest and cutest Spanish quotes, which is Dios es bueno.

13. Que Dios te acompañe

Another common expression said at the end of a mass is ‘God be with you’ in Spanish.

The Spanish quotes to say that is que Dios te acompañe.

It is sometimes said out of churches when two religious people are saying goodbye to each other.

14. Rézale a Dios

The meaning of Rézale a Dios is ‘praise God’ in Spanish.

This expression is used when you think someone needs a little bit of luck to succeed in what they are trying to achieve.

Its significance is similar to the already mentioned above que sea lo que Dios quiera.

15. Siempre hay que agradecer cada detalle que Dios nos regala

Being grateful is essential to live happily.

If you need God quotes in Spanish to remark how important is to acknowledge positive things that happen to us, Christian quotes in Spanish like siempre hay que agradecer cada detalle que Dios nos regala are your best ally.

This expression can be translated as ‘we should always thanks for every single detail God gifts us with’.

16. Que Dios esté contigo

If you want to say ‘may God be with you’ in Spanish, you will have to remind the expression que Dios esté contigo.

This is quite similar to que Dios te acompañe and it is a great farewell to Christians.

17. Tienes un Dios que te ama sin importar el qué

Spanish religious quotes to boost your self esteem may be crucial to listen to when you are going through difficult times.

Tienes un Dios que te ama sin importar el qué means ‘God loves you no matter what’.

This is to say that God loves you unconditionally, even when you are not being a remarkable Christian, which is precisely when you most need to be loved.

18. Dios tiene mejores cosas para ti

Spanish God quotes may sometimes help you encourage friends that are losing their faith in great things to that may happen to them.

If they are needed for some hope, you should remind them that Dios tiene mejores cosas para ti.

This saying can be translated as ‘God has better things for you’.

19. Para decir ‘con Dios’ a los dos nos sobran los motivos

Sabina is one of the most famous Spanish singers, not only in Spanin but also in Latin America.

Some of their lyrics may be considered God songs in Spanish.

One of its best funny Spanish quotes about God is in a song about a breakup.

It literally says Para decir ‘con Dios’ a los dos nos sobran los motivos.

This expression means ‘we both have plenty of reasons to say go with God’.

20. Yo siempre serviré a Dios

If you want to learn some God quotes in Spanish to express how much you want to help the world to become a better place, you can start with easy Spanish quotes like yo siempre serviré a Dios.

This is to say ‘I will always serve God’.

The consequences of this affirmation are the urge to be kind, helpful, and trustworthy to others.

21. Bajo las alas de Dios encontramos refugio

Some positive quotes in Spanish mean that God will protect us unconditionally and it is something that should be reminded of when we are just about to get discouraged.

Bajo las alas de Dios encontramos refugio means that ‘Under the wings of God we find refuge’.

It is one of the most beautiful Spanish quotes about the father figure of God.

22. No hay montaña que no se pueda subir si Dios va a tu lado

Several Spanish quotes about life refer to the key role God has on it.

If you are posting some pictures about your last trip to a natural setting, you may want to use inspiring Instagram captions in Spanish like no hay montaña que no se pueda subir si Dios va a tu lado.

This expression means ‘There is no mountain impossible to climb if you have God by your side’.

23. Ten fe y jamás te rindas

What is Spain known for is the unconditional faith in God of some of its citizens.

If you need motivational Spanish quotes to express how important is to trust God, you may say Ten fe y jamás te rinda.

It means ‘Have faith and never give up’.

24. El plan de Dios siempre es más grande que tus errores

Instagram captions in Spanish that refer to God are helpful to show your followers that you believe in God and that you trust Him.

If you are looking for a quotes like this, you can just say el plan de Dios siempre es más grande que tus errores.

This cool Spanish quote means ‘God’s plans are always bigger than your mistakes’.

25. Dios sabe lo que es mejor para mi

God quotes in Spanish that can be used as motivational quotes in Spanish are quite common because God is supposed to be willing to guide and help you during all your life.

If you are looking for one of these kinds of quotes, you may like Dios sabe lo que es mejor para mi.

It means ‘God knows what is the best for me’.

The aim of this post has been to provide some of the best God quotes in Spanish to reassert your faith in God.

They will definitely be really helpful if you want to tell others how proud you are to be a Christian or if you would like to encourage your family and friends to don’t give up because God cares about them.

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