30 Great Spanish Religious Quotes

Do you want to add a touch of spirituality and culture to your travels? Why not explore the religious quotes from Spanish cultures and Spanish language around the world!

From Spanish poetry quoting philosophers in Ancient Greece, to more modern expressions and Bible verses, there’s plenty of inspiring insight that has grown out of this beautiful place.

With several major religions represented, including Christianity and Islam, each quote offers an intriguing snapshot into both classic and contemporary faith-based beliefs.

Whether you want something inspirational for your journey or just enjoy discovering new things about a far-off destination, these wonderful Spanish religious quotes are sure to bring some peace and understanding during your travels.

 Spanish Religious Quotes

Table of Contents

1. Nada es imposible para Dios

Some Spanish religious quotes can also be encouraging quotes in Spanish. 

This is precisely what happens with nada es imposible para Dios

The meaning of this expression is ‘nothing is impossible to God’ and it can be said to a friend that has lost faith in his or her success. 

It is never a bad idea to remind them that God will always be by their side to help them. 

2. El Señor te cuida, Él es tu ayuda

Spanish Bible quotes that may give you the strength to never give up are sometimes needed. 

El Señor te cuida, él es tu ayuda means ‘God takes care of you, He will help you’. 

This beautiful Christian Spanish quote will definitely help you keep working towards your objectives. 

3. El tiempo de Dios es perfecto

El tiempo de Dios es perfecto is one of the best Spanish faith quotes to make somebody aware of the fact that God knows when something should happen. 

As a result, there is no need to hurry or worry because it will be whenever it should. 

The translation of the quote is ‘God’s timing is perfect’

4. Quien a Dios tiene, nada le falta

Spanish Christian quotes and sayings that will make your day are quite common. 

One of the best Spanish spiritual quotes is quien a Dios tiene, nada le falta

This expression means ‘who has God, nothing else needs’. 

5. La fe es el antiséptico del alma

This list of 30 great Spanish religious quotes should definitely include la fe es el antiséptico del alma

This means that having faith protects your soul from toxic people or ideas. 

The translation of this saying is ‘faith is the soul antiseptic’. 

6. Un día nos volveremos a ver, Dios así lo ha prometido.

Some Spanish bible quotes about strength may seem sad but they are also encouraging and may help Christians heal when they lose someone they love. 

Un día nos volveremos a ver, Dios así lo ha prometido is one of these quotes. 

Its translation is ‘we’ll see each other one day again, God gave His word’. 

7. Donde está el espíritu de Dios hay libertad

Some Spanish spiritual quotes will remark that God can change everything because He is completely free. 

This is precisely what happens with donde está el espíritu de Dios hay libertad, which means ‘Where God is, there is freedom’. 

8. Reza más, preocúpate menos

Short Christian quotes are usually catchy and ideal to use as Instagram captions in Spanish. 

One of the most popular ones is the Christian version of ‘Don’t worry, be happy’. 

This is reza más, preocúpate menos and its meaning is ‘Pray more, worry less’. 

9. En medio de la tormenta, confía en Dios

Christian quotes in Spanish that will encourage everyone to keep fighting when going through difficulties are helpful to cheer your friends up. 

En medio de la tormenta, confía en Dios refers to these moments when you think everything is bad but you believe that good things will come. 

This quote can be translated as ‘Trust God in the middle of the storm’. 

10. Dios tiene planes hermosos contigo

On this list of 30 great Spanish religious quotes, Dios tiene planes hermosos contigo should definitely be included because it is a cute expression to say when someone is a little bit sad.

The translation of this quote is ‘God has beautiful plans with you’ and it seems ideal to give hope to those going through a difficult moment in their lives.

11. Nada puede separarte del amor de Dios

Spanish religious phrases to remark how unconditional God’s love is are great to raise everybody’s self-esteem.

If you say nada puede separarte del amor de Dios, you mean ‘nothing can separate you from God’s love’.

12. En todo tiempo ama el amigo

Short bible verses in Spanish like en todo tiempo ama el amigo are ideal as Instagram captions in Spanish.

This one is ideal to use when posting some pictures with your friends because it means ‘Friends love you always’.

13. La fe no hace que las cosas sean fáciles, pero hace que parezcan posibles

Positive quotes in Spanish that are related to Christianism are quite common because religion may help you get a meaningful life.

One of the best motivational quotes in Spanish is La fe no hace que las cosas sean fáciles, pero hace que parezcan posibles.

The meaning of this expression is ‘Faith doesn’t make things easier but it makes you feel they are possible’.

14. El amor de Dios fortalece

When thinking about encouraging religious quotes in Spanish, the first one that comes to my mind is El amor de Dios fortalece.

The meaning of this expression is ‘God’s love makes you stronger’ and it shows how positive may be to trust God.

15. El que no ama no conoce a Dios porque Él es amor

In this post about 30 great Spanish religious quotes, we should definitely include el que no ama no conoce a Dios porque Él es amor.

This religious saying means ‘those who don’t love, don’t know God because He is love’.

This beautiful saying will remind you that knowing God will make you feel loved.

16. Dios me muestra el placer de vivir siempre con Él

Happy quotes in Spanish that are related to God are easily found on the Internet.

One of the best ones is Dios me muestra el placer de vivir siempre con Él because it indicates that trusting God will give you comfort.

This can be translated as ‘God shows me how pleasant is to live with Him’.

17. Que Dios os conceda salud, paciencia, amor y energía

Religious family quotes in Spanish to wish your relatives the best are usually ideal to bre written on Christmas cards.

Que Dios os conceda salud, paciencia, amor y energía is one of these quotes.

It can be translated as ‘I hope God gives you health, patience, love, and energy’.

What else can we ask for?

18. Que siempre te acompañen la fe, la esperanza y el amor

Other Christmas quotes in Spanish to write on the back of a postcard will show the great things you want for those who you love.

This is precisely what que siempre te acompañen la fe, la esperanza y el amor does.

Its translation is ‘I hope that faith, hope, and love will always be with you’.

19. Dios sabe lo que es mejor para mi

Christian quotes in Spanish to express that God’s will is wise are pretty popular.

These kinds of quotes are very helpful to let people know that even when they feel lost, God knows how to proceed.

Dios sabe lo que es mejor para mi means ‘God knows what is best for me’ and you should definitely remind this if you believe your life does not make sense.

And we are sure, this fulfillment feeling will eventually come back to you.

20. Dios no te pide que lo entiendas, te pide que confíes en él

As we all know, faith is something you have or not, but it is impossible to offer reasons to convince somebody.

One of the best 30 great Spanish religious quotes is precisely related to this fact.

Dios no te pide que lo entiendas, te pude que confíes en él means ‘God does not ask you to understand Him but to trust Him’.

21. Dios pone en tu vida a las personas que necesitas.

Some inspirational quotes in Spanish are religious expressions that may help you overcome a loss or give the value people who are by your side deserve.

When saying Dios pone en tu vida a las personas que necesitas, you mean ‘God puts on your way the kind of people that you need’.

Sometimes, feeling alone is the result of not acknowledging those unconditional friends that are always there to help.

If this is your situation, this Christian Spanish quote may be ideal for you!

22. El camino a veces es difícil, pero Dios lo usa para hacerte más fuerte.

God quotes in Spanish to encourage you to keep fighting for your dreams even when circumstances feel overwhelming are frequently used with friends and relatives.

If you say el camino a veces es difícil pero Dios lo usa para hacerte más fuerte, you mean ‘things may be difficult but God does it to make you stronger’.

23. Que Dios te cuide, abrace y llene de alegría

One of the best Christian wishes in Spanish to tell your closest group of friends is que Dios te cuide, abrace y llene de alegría.

This is definitely a cute thing to tell them because it means ‘I hope God takes care of you, embraces and full your life of joy’.

24. Sé siempre positivo y agradece todo a Dios

It is always important to make the most of every day and some Spanish religious quotes may help you remind everyone of that.

One of these kinds of common Spanish phrases is sé siempre positivo y agradece todo a Dios.

It can be translated as ‘be always positive and say thanks to God’.

25. Ten paciencia, mantente enfocado y en conexión con Dios

One of our 30 great Spanish religious quotes has to show how important it is to be patient and to trust God to achieve your aims. 

This is precisely what ten paciencia, mantente enfocado y en conexión con Dios will allow you to express.

Its literal significance is ‘be patient, keep yourself focused and connected with God’.

26. Dios no nos hubiera dado la capacidad de tener sueños sin la de hacerlos realidad

If you are looking for Christian quotes in Spanish to tell how kind God is, you should definitely take this into account.

If you say Dios no nos hubiera dado la capacidad de tener sueños sin la de hacerlos realidad, you mean ‘God wouldn’t give you the ability to dream without the capacity to make these dreams come true’.

27. Nuestra mayor gloria no está en no caer nunca, sino en levantarnos cada vez

Motivational quotes in Spanish to tell your religious friends how crucial is to learn from their mistakes are great to encourage them when failing.

Every mistake teaches you something and it is as important as achieving your aims.

Nuestra mayor gloria no está en no caer nunca, sino en levantarnos cada vez means ‘Your glory does not depend on succeeding always but on standing up every time you fall’.

28. Dios lo hizo todo hermoso para el momento apropiado

If you need a religious quote about how beautiful life can be, Dios lo hizo todo hermoso para el momento apriopiado is definitely the best one.

This can be translated as ‘God made everything beautiful in the right moment’.

29. El corazón alegre es una buena medicina

Some happy Spanish quotes may not seem religious but they are from the Bible.

This is what happens with el corazón alegre es una buena medicina, which means ‘a happy heart is a great medicine’.

Nowadays, mental health awareness is rising but, as this quote shows, it was something that religion already considered important a long time ago.

30. Dios sabe perfectamente los planes que tiene para mi

When everything seems to be different than expected, you may find comfort in these warm Spanish words: Dios sabe perfectamente los planes que tiene para mi.

This means ‘God knows what to do with me’.

This post about 30 great Spanish religious quotes has come to an end.

I hope you enjoyed reading these encouraging Christian quotes because you should always bear in mind that God loves you no matter what.

If you are facing some difficulties, do not forget that He will be by your side if you need some comfort and that eventually things will change and your smile will shine again!

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