25 Famous Quotes about Spain

If you are thinking about visiting Spain, you should definitely know that it is a beautiful country where you will find everything you are looking for.

There are not only quiet rural areas where you will be able to relax and enjoy their natural surroundings but also big crowded cities where lasting nightlife memories with your friends will be created.

Moreover, Spain is full of paradisiac beaches to swim, sunbathe, and practice aquatic sports.

quotes about Spain

This post wants to make the decision to visit Spain easier for you, that’s why here you will find some quotes about Spain that will help you clear your mind.

1. No hay pueblo español que no encierre una añoranza

Azorín is a famous Spanish writer who is well-known all around the country for his romantic Spanish phrases.

He once wrote that no hay pueblo español que no encierre una añoranza.

This Spanish quote is a melancholic saying that remarks on the importance of the past.

It can be translated as ‘There is no Spaniard region that does not have its longing’.

2. Sevilla es como soñar con el cielo

One of the most beautiful regions of Spain is Andalucía.

There you can visit Sevilla, a wonderful city whose streets will make you fall in love madly.

In fact, if you visit Sevilla once, you will want to come back to keep discovering it.

Why? Because Sevilla es como soñar con el cielo, which means ‘Sevilla is like dreaming about heaven’.

3. La ambición de los españoles les hace pensar que nada les es inaccesible

When thinking about Spanish characters, we all may agree that they are passionate, perseverant, and brave people.

It is precisely what Duplessis-Mornay highlights when saying La ambición de los españoles les hace pensar que nada les es inaccessible.

The meaning of this positive Spanish saying is ‘The ambition of the Spanish makes them think that nothing is inaccessible to them.’

4. El español que no ha estado en América no sabe qué es España

Spain used to be a huge empire and some regions of Latin America were under its control.

According to Federico Garcia Lorca, in order to understand how diverse is Spain, one should visit once in a lifetime América.

This is precisely what El español que no ha estado en América no sabe qué es España means.

5. Dichosos los hispanos para quienes beber es vivir.

The already mentioned 3 interesting quotes about Spain are good to know, however you may also be interested in how Julio César described Spaniards.

This emperor once said Dichosos los hispanos para quienes beber es vivir, which means ‘Blessed are the Hispanics for whom drinking is living’.

Was he accusing all Spaniards to be alcoholics?

6. Granada es un tesoro y permanecerá en mi mente como el más bello recuerdo por mucho tiempo

Some of the best quotes about Spain have been said by world-wide known people like Michelle Obama.

After visiting Granada, she declared that Granada es un tesoro y permanecerá en mi mente como el más bello recuerdo por mucho tiempo.

It means that ‘Granada is a treasure which will remain in my mind as the most beautiful memory for a long time’.

7. España, el bello país del vino y las canciones

Maybe you did not know some of these 5 facts about Spain that we have been talking about however, I am sure you are familiar with the idea that locals especially enjoy some of the best Spanish wines.

This is precisely what España es el bello país del vino y de las canciones refers to.

This quote was written by Goethe and it means ‘Spain is the beautiful country of wine and songs’.

8. Vivo donde me gustaría vivir. Vivo en Mallorca, y no estoy seguro de que haya mejores lugares.

Most beautiful places in Spain should not be overcrowded to make sure they maintain their charm.

Nevertheless, it seems difficult to not acknowledge publicly how beautiful certain regions are.

One of the best places in Spain is Mallorca because there you can find stunning beaches, incredible natural landscapes, welcoming towns, and impressive historical monuments.

This is precisely what Rafa Nadal remarked when he said Vivo donde me gustaría vivir. Vivo en Mallorca, y no estoy seguro de que haya mejores lugares.

It means ‘I live where I would like to live. I live in Mallorca, in Spain, and I’m not sure there are any better places.’

9. El alma española tiene mucho que aportar a la sociedad

Some quotes about Spain and the personality traits of their locals may be used to remark on how great is to count on Spaniards when trying to improve our world.

Rosa Tous, who is a successful businesswoman, considers that el alma española tiene mucho que aportar a la sociedad.

This means that ‘the Spanish soul has much to contribute to society’.

10. España es el único lugar del mundo donde 2 y 2 no suman 4

Some funny but not positive quotes in Spanish may be easily found on the Internet.

Whereas some Spaniards may be perseverant and kind, others have popularized the idea that mess and corruption are something common in this country.

In this sense, Duke Wellington pointed out that España es el único lugar en el mundo donde 2 y 2 no suman 4.

Its literal translation is Spain is the only place in the world where 2+2 is not equal to 4’.

11. Para un español, más vale morir con honra que vivir deshonrado.

The 10 quotes about Spain that have been already mentioned are as famous as what Hernán Cortés said to counteract negative opinions about locals.

According to him, para un español, más vale morir con honra que vivir deshonrado.

The translation of this saying is ‘for a Spaniard, it is better to die with honor than to live without it’.

12. Todo pasa y todo queda, pero lo nuestro es pasar, pasar haciendo caminos, caminos sobre la mar

Antonio Machado is the author of this beautiful Spanish quote.

Todo pasa y todo queda, pero lo nuestro es pasar, pasar haciendo caminos, caminos sobre la mar.

Translating these beautiful Spanish quotes makes them lose their musicality and their poetic notes.

However, you should know that the meaning refers to the fact that everything that happens remains, and that we create ephemeral paths.

13. Ser español y lúcido aparejó siempre una seca soledad

One of the most controversial academics in Spain is Arturo Pérez-Reverte.

Among all his popular quotes, the hardest one against Spaniards is ser español y lúcido aprejó siempre una seca soledad.

This means ‘being Spanish and clever results in solitude’.

14. En España, lo mejor es el pueblo

Quotes about Spain that highlight the greatness of their locals are quite common.

One of the most popular was written by Antonio Machado and it says En España, lo mejor es el pueblo.

The meaning of this expression is that the best thing about Spain is its people.

15. España es como el Paraíso de Dios 

Instagram captions in Spanish to remark on how wonderful Spain is, may be useful to you if you are planning a trip there.

España es como el paraíso de Dios was said by Alfonso X de Castilla and it means ‘Spain is like God’s Paradise’.

16. En España podrá faltar el pan, pero el ingenio y el buen humor no se acaban

Ramón María del Valle-Inclán was one of the greatest Spanish writers.

One of his famous quotes about Spain was En España podrá faltar el pan, pero el ingenio y el buen humor no se acaban.

Cute Spanish phrases like this may be definitely used to talk about people from there because its significance is ‘In Spain, bread can be scarce but wit and humor never end.

17. Nadie en España puede decir que no tenga sangre judía

It seems important to know that in the past, Spain was a country in which Muslims and Christians lived together.

As a result, the sentence of Salvador de Madariaga y Rojo is useful to remind Spaniards that nadie en España puede decir que no tenga sangre judía.

Its translation is ‘No one in Spain can say he has no Jewish blood’.

18. Si los españoles habláramos sólo y exclusivamente de lo que sabemos, se produciría un gran silencio que nos permitiría pensar  

Some quotes about Spain that may be considered disrespectful were said by the Spaniards themselves.

Si los españoles habláramos sólo y exclusivamente de lo que sabemos, se produciría un gran silencio que nos permitiría pensar is one of those and its author was an Spanish politician called Manuel Azaña.

The translation of this saying is ‘If Spaniards spoke only and exclusively of what we know, there would be a great silence that would allow us to think’

19. Prefiero ser un extranjero en España que en la mayoría de los países. ¡Qué fácil es hacer amigos en España!

What is Spain known for is the kindness of its locals.

If you are looking for some Spanish travel quotes that refer to this country, you may like Prefiero ser un extranjero en España que en la mayoría de los países ¡Qué fácil es hacer amigos en España!

The author of this quote was the British writer George Orwell and it means ‘I’d rather be a foreigner in Spain than in most countries. How easy it is to make friends in Spain!’

20. Somos españoles, ¿no? ¡Pues improvisen!

Some Spanish quotes about Spanish people are aimed to caricature them.

One of these is Somos españoles, ¿no? ¡Pues improvisen!, whose literal translation is ‘We’re Spanish, aren’t we? Then improvise!’

21. No puedes comprar la felicidad, pero puedes ir a España y es más o menos lo mismo

If you need some Spanish travel quotes that are also happy quotes in Spanish, here we have what you are looking for!

No puedes comprar la felicidad, pero puedes ir a España y es más o menos lo mismo is the perfect saying to express how much you enjoy when you spend some time in this country.

Its translation is ‘You can’t buy happiness but you can go to Spain and it is more or less the same’.

22. España es una fascinante mezcla de gente, idiomas, cultura y gastronomía, pero si hay algo que todos los españoles comparten es el amor por la comida y la bebida

When wondering about what is shared by all Spanish people, the answer is easy: their love for the best Spanish wines and food.

España es una fascinante mezcla de gente, idiomas, cultura y gastronomía, pero si hay algo que todos los españoles comparten es el amor por la comida y la bebida is the best expression to point this out.

It means ‘Spain is a fascinating mix of people, languages, culture, and gastronomy; but if there is one thing that all Spaniards share is the love of food and drink’.

23. Tú te pegas una semanita en Sevilla en Semana Santa y el cuerpo lo que te pide es ser español

Funny quotes about Spain like Tú te pegas una semanita en Sevilla en Semana Santa y el cuerpo lo que te pide es ser español are ideal to encourage your friends to visit Spain.

Dani Rovira is a comedian from Málaga that wants everybody to know that ‘after spending a week in Sevilla in Easter, you will want to be Spanish’.

24. España es una tierra donde hay pocas cosas, pero donde cada una parece estar de un modo sustantivo y eterno

Spanish quotes about life in Spain can be deep and meaningful to you.

Luis Borges wanted to highlight how rooted people from Spain and the sentence he wrote to express that was España es una tierra donde hay pocas cosas, pero donde cada una parece estar de un modo sustantivo y eterno

The translation of this Spanish saying is ‘Spain is a land where there are few things, but where each one seems to be substantively and eternally’.

25. Solo verás a un español corriendo para coger un tren al que no puede llegar

We all know someone that criticizes Spanish people, that’s why quotes about Spain to laugh about locals are quite common.

To mean that Spaniards are known by their laziness, you can say Solo verás a un español corriendo para coger un tren al que no puede llegar.

That means ‘you will only see a Spaniard running to take a departing train’.

We hope you have enjoyed reading these 25 famous quotes about Spain and its locals.

Hopefully, this post has been useful to remind you of some interesting facts you already know about Spain while also learning some new others.

Do not hesitate about visiting Spain for the first time or coming again to confirm everything that has been said!

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