Tenerife is different! Not only its natural contrasts and gastronomic variety make Tenerife a culturally interesting travel destination, but also its own Spanish dialect. Did you know that some Spanish words only exist on the Canarian islands? If you’re willing to overcome the mere tourist status, then you should keep in mind these 7 typical Canarian expressions.

1. Cholas

2. Papas
Papas (patata on the peninsula) is the most famous element of Canarian cuisine. Potatoes! They gave origin to one of Spain’s most famous dishes: Papas arrugadas con mojo. You just can’t leave the Canarian islands without having tried the potatoes in salty crust served with red spicy sauce!
3. Guagua

In Tenerife, you don’t catch a bus, but you get there by guagua! It’s THE Canarian expression by excellence. The Canarian emigrants brought it over from Cuba turning the American term “wagon” out guagua. Surprisingly my impression is that many guagua drivers are always in a hurry and have a predilection for Merengue and Salsa music. 🙂 This is definitely one of the most important phrases to learn in Canarian Spanish.
4. Agüita!

Expression of astonishment or surprise, comparable to Wow! There are only a few expressions that are more typical and the Canarian people will widely open first their eyes, then their hearts when they’ll hear a foreigner use their favorite expression.
5. Panzaburro

Means literally “Donkey Belly” and refers to the misty and foggy weather that can often be found in the north of Tenerife. When you have Panzaburro, dense clouds are hanging low but it’s still relatively warm. A welcome contrast to the sometimes suffocatingly hot weather in the southern coast!
6. Una Garimba
A “Garimba” is a small beer (caña in Peninsularian Spanish) With the sometimes dreadful heat in the south, you’ll need a lot of them. … and your Canarian waiter will be over the moon when you order your beers the local way!
7. Barraquito

A little bit of cultural integration is never bad, even if you’re staying somewhere only a few days. The Canarian people, already very warm-hearted and outgoing, will give you a place in their heart when they’ll hear your Canarian language skills!

Hola! I’m Paulina, a seasoned travelette who crossed the Atlantic Ocean by Boat HitchHiking. On my blog, find expert insights for an extraordinary holiday through outdoor and sustainable travel like hiking, cycling, and sailing. Let’s embark on unforgettable journeys together! 🌍🚀