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Barranco del Infierno, Tenerife: A Hell of a Hike!

Barranco del Infierno, Tenerife: A Hell of a Hike!

tenerife, hiking, barranco, infierno, senderismo, islas canarias, canary islands, canarias, teneriffa, wanderung, cliffs, beach, hiking, outdoor sport, adeje, waterfall, guanches, aborigine

Artículo bilingüe

Last Saturday we literally went for a hell of a hike! Barranco del Infierno, «Hell’s Canyon» or «Hell Ravine», at Tenerife’s southern Costa Adeje got its name due to its vast depths. I am sure the canyon’s strange rock formations also lead to the naming! Access is limited to 300 people per day and the hike lasts about 3h30. It is definitely one of the top hikes to do in Tenerife.

Buy Here Your Barranco del Infierno Tour

[Versión española abajo]

Hiking in Tenerife is still quite a niche, but the island boats a large number of hiking trails that are worth to be explored. The largest network of hiking trails can be found in the northern part of the island. The most famous hike of Tenerife is probably the Masca hike.

Read more about what to do in the North of Tenerife.

Whereas the Masca hiking trail can be crowded during high-season, the Barranco del Infierno trail is still an insider-tip.

How to get there

Once arrived to Adeje Village (you easily get there by public tranportation), you’ll need to walk for 15 minutes through the village’s picturesque center before you reach Otelo’s Restaurant. Here begins your hike to hell’s gorge!

The hike’s destination is Tenerife’s highest waterfall. The first part of the trail takes place under the burning sun. During one hour no shadow will relieve you! Instead you’ll have great views on the Atlantic ocean. The steep cliffs are full of caves that were used by Tenerife’s aborigines: los Guanches.

Buy Here Your Hell Ravine Tour

The Trail

What a relief when you finally reach shadow! The vegetation changes visibly: suddenly you can hear the birds, appreciate the running water and the humidity. Colours change from dry brown to lush green in a few meters. Abundant nature accompanies you until the destination of the hike (not hell!): the waterfall. Unfortunately bathing is forbidden, but the sound of trickling water is reward enough. 

I definitely imagined Hell’s Gorge a bit worse than this!

Buy Here Your Hell Ravine Tour

Sadly the trail isn’t circular: you need to take the same way as you came to get back to your departing point. Once back in Adeje Village, you can choose what you like to do best: either a cool bath at Fañabé’s Party Beach or try Adeje’s local delicacy: spicy chicken thighs. Trust me, you should do both!

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 Where to eatThe best spicy chicken can be found in Oasis Restaurant or El Corral del Pollo de Adeje. I never tasted a better chicken thighs than the ones in Adeje!


tenerife, hiking, barranco, infierno, senderismo, islas canarias, canary islands, canarias, teneriffa, wanderung, cliffs, beach, hiking, outdoor sport, adeje, waterfall, guanches, aborigine

View on Adeje Village – Vista al pueblo Adeje


El sábado pasado nos fuimos literalmente al infierno! El Barranco del Infierno, a la Costa Adeje al sur de Tenerife, recibió su nombre gracias a sus tremendas profundidades. Estoy convencida que las curiosas formaciones rocosas también están vinculados al nombre de este lugar! El acceso al sendero está limitado a 300 personas al día y la ruta dura unas 3h30.

Compra aqui tu tour al Barranco del Infierno

Una vez llegado al municipio de Adeje (se llega fácilmente en transporte público), tienes que caminar unos 15 minutos por el pintoresco centro del pueblo hasta llegar al Restaurante Otelo. Aquí empieza tu descenso a la garganta del infierno!

El punto final de la ruta es la cascada más alta de Tenerife. La primera parte se hace bajo el sol abrasador. Durante una hora no habrá ni una minúscula sombra que te dará un poco de alivio… ¡Por eso tendrás unas vistas impresionantes al mar atlántico! Los acantilados vertiginosos están llenos de cuevas que fueron usados por los aborigenes de Tenerife: los Guanches.

Compra aqui tu tour al Barranco del Infierno

¡Qué alivio cuando llegas por fin a la sombra! La vegetación cambia visiblemente: de repente se escucha el canto de los pájaros, el chapoteo del agua y se agradece la humedad. En pocos metros los colores cambian de marrón seco a verde lujuriante. Una fauna abundante te acompañará hasta el punto final de esta ruta: la cascada! Desafortunadamente está prohibido bañarse, pero el sonido del agua y la frescura del lugar lo compensa.

El sendero no es circular, con lo cual hay que usar el mismo camino para volver al punto de inicio. Cuando llegues a Adeje, puedes elegir como prefieres celebrar tu salida del infierno: o con un bañito fresquito en la playa de Fañabé o puedes probar el plato típico de Adeje, los muslos de pollo picantes. ¡Confía en mí, deberías probar los dos!

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El mejor pollo picante se puede encontrar en el Restaurante Oasis o en El Corral del Pollo de Adeje. Nunca he probado unos muslos de pollo más tiernos y sabrosos que en Adeje!


tenerife, hiking, barranco, infierno, senderismo, islas canarias, canary islands, canarias, teneriffa, wanderung, cliffs, beach, hiking, outdoor sport, adeje, waterfall, guanches, aborigine
A vertiginous hiking trail! – Un camino vertiginoso!
tenerife, hiking, barranco, infierno, senderismo, islas canarias, canary islands, canarias, teneriffa, wanderung, cliffs, beach, hiking, outdoor sport, adeje, waterfall, guanches, aborigine
Ready to hike in Hell! – Preparada para hacer senderismo en el Infierno!
tenerife, hiking, barranco, infierno, senderismo, islas canarias, canary islands, canarias, teneriffa, wanderung, cliffs, beach, hiking, outdoor sport, adeje, waterfall, guanches, aborigine, tourism, turismo
Little treasures! – Pequeños tesoros!
tenerife, hiking, barranco, infierno, senderismo, islas canarias, canary islands, canarias, teneriffa, wanderung, cliffs, beach, hiking, outdoor sport, adeje, waterfall, guanches, aborigine, tourism, turismo
Ready to conquer THE ravine! – Lista para conquistar EL barranco!
tenerife, hiking, barranco, infierno, senderismo, islas canarias, canary islands, canarias, teneriffa, wanderung, cliffs, beach, hiking, outdoor sport, adeje, waterfall, guanches, aborigine, tourism, turismo
Vegetation changes visibly after each hiking part. – La vegetación cambia con cada tramo recorrido
tenerife, hiking, barranco, infierno, senderismo, islas canarias, canary islands, canarias, teneriffa, wanderung, cliffs, beach, hiking, outdoor sport, adeje, waterfall, guanches, aborigine, tourism, turismo
The Barranco is the most important running water location on Tenerife! – El barranco es el curso de agua más importante de Tenerife!
tenerife, hiking, barranco, infierno, senderismo, islas canarias, canary islands, canarias, teneriffa, wanderung, cliffs, beach, hiking, outdoor sport, adeje, waterfall, guanches, aborigine, tourism, turismo, cascada
Arrival point of the hike: Tenerife’s tallest waterfall! – El final de la ruta: la cascada más alta de Tenerife!
tenerife, hiking, barranco, infierno, senderismo, islas canarias, canary islands, canarias, teneriffa, wanderung, cliffs, beach, hiking, outdoor sport, adeje, waterfall, guanches, aborigine, tourism, turismo
Mandatory Waterfall Picture! – Foto obligatoria en la cascada!
tenerife, hiking, barranco, infierno, senderismo, islas canarias, canary islands, canarias, teneriffa, wanderung, cliffs, beach, hiking, outdoor sport, adeje, waterfall, guanches, aborigine, tourism, turismo
3 waterfalls at once! – 3 cascadas en 1 foto!
tenerife, hiking, barranco, infierno, senderismo, islas canarias, canary islands, canarias, teneriffa, wanderung, cliffs, beach, hiking, outdoor sport, adeje, waterfall, guanches, aborigine, tourism, turismo
The caves were home to many Guanches, Tenerife’s aborigines – En las cuevas vivían muchos guanches
tenerife, hiking, barranco, infierno, senderismo, islas canarias, canary islands, canarias, teneriffa, wanderung, cliffs, beach, hiking, outdoor sport, adeje, waterfall, guanches, aborigine, tourism, turismo
The Barranco hosts a fragile ecosystem – El ecosistema del barranco es muy frágil
tenerife, hiking, barranco, infierno, senderismo, islas canarias, canary islands, canarias, teneriffa, wanderung, cliffs, beach, hiking, outdoor sport, adeje, waterfall, guanches, aborigine, tourism, turismo
The rock formations will leave you speechless – Las formaciones rocasas te dejarán sin aliento!
tenerife, hiking, barranco, infierno, senderismo, islas canarias, canary islands, canarias, teneriffa, wanderung, cliffs, beach, hiking, outdoor sport, adeje, waterfall, guanches, aborigine, tourism, turismo
Little surprises in aridity – Pequenas sorpresas en la sequedad
tenerife, hiking, barranco, infierno, senderismo, islas canarias, canary islands, canarias, teneriffa, wanderung, cliffs, beach, hiking, outdoor sport, adeje, waterfall, guanches, aborigine, tourism, turismo
Impressed by the rock walls – Impresionada por los acantilados
tenerife, hiking, barranco, infierno, senderismo, islas canarias, canary islands, canarias, teneriffa, wanderung, cliffs, beach, hiking, outdoor sport, adeje, waterfall, guanches, aborigine, tourism, turismo
On the way back to Adeje – Regresando a Adeje
tenerife, hiking, barranco, infierno, senderismo, islas canarias, canary islands, canarias, teneriffa, wanderung, cliffs, beach, hiking, outdoor sport, adeje, waterfall, guanches, aborigine, tourism, turismo
Beach within eyeshot! – Playa a la vista!


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For more information about tourism on Tenerife, I recommend the following webpage: Tourism of Tenerife

Para más información sobre turismo en Tenerife, os recomiendo la página siguiente: Turismo en Tenerife

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